November 2009 Content Archive
Bowling Tips and Techniques Articles
Gutters, Twigs, Bank Shots, and Sucker Bets – Part 1
How to play the gutter and when to stay away
By Ron Clifton

Your mom may have tried hard to keep you away from people like me, people that try to lure you to the gutters of America. Hey, what does she know. Come on and follow me to the dark side. I...
Targeting for Left Eye-Dominant Righthanded Bowlers
What C.A.T.S. revealed about the most effective targeting methods
By Joe Slowinski

Eye dominance is an important consideration for both coaches and bowlers. This is especially important in cross dominant situations in which the bowler’s dominant vision is driven through the eye on the other side of the swing line. Clearly, this...
The Decision to Change Your Game
Should you? Could you? Would you?
By Dean Hinitz

A famous coach once said that everyone wants their game to get better, but no one really wants to change what they are doing. Most of the readers of this magazine would most certainly say that they are consistently looking...