Bowling Spare Shooting Articles

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"I often get ask when participating in Pro Am events what is the place to go for coaching, technical bowling information, or generally how to improve knowledge of the game. I always point them towards BTM, as the knowledge I have learned from BTM's authors and coaches have helped me improve and take my game to a much higher level, including a PBA regional title! Topics from the physical game, to lane play, to ball motion and the mental approach are all covered. It is a must for all serious bowlers who want to improve and continue learning more about the sport we love."

- Stephen Haas (bowler, PBA regional champion, and Bowling This Month subscriber)

Featured Bowling Spare Shooting Articles

The value of debriefing your league season


As the bowling season ends, many bowlers look forward to some time away from the lanes, some participate in another activity or sport, and some continue to bowl all year long. Whatever the case, bowlers should take some time to...

Timing, slow feet, spare shooting, and overthinking

Common Issues for Beginner Bowlers

Over the next few articles, I want to go through some of the most common issues faced by bowlers of all different levels. In my experience working with bowlers of all levels, there are some clear differences in what I...

System, technique, and practice

Keep Spare Shooting Simple

What makes a good spare shooter? Many people will consider it as someone who makes no more than one open per game. At the beginning level, this is a very good goal to have, but you shouldn’t be satisfied with...

Why having a system is just the first step

Deep Spare Shooting

Before we discuss how to improve your spare shooting, I’d like to go back to how I started my search for the best way for a bowler to make more spares. It all began with young and talented two-handers. When...

Never worry about your spare game again!

The Personalized Spare Shooting Method

Over the years, many coaches have introduced different spare shooting systems claiming to have improved the accuracy or repeatability of the process. Recently, Coach Joe Hoenig did a thorough review of the most popular spare systems out there, and I...

Bowling Spare Shooting Article Directory

The table below lists all of our bowling spare shooting articles.

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IssueArticle TitleAuthor
Conducting A Year-End Review
Common Issues for Beginner Bowlers
Keep Spare Shooting Simple
Deep Spare Shooting
The Personalized Spare Shooting Method
Spare Shooting: The Art of Filling the Box - Part 2
Spare Shooting: The Art of Filling the Box - Part 1
The Pocket Displacement Method
Spare Shooting For the Rest of Us
Collecting and Analyzing Purposeful Spare Shooting Data
The Top Five Things You Can Do to Improve in 2018
Playing the Percentages
Bowling in a Parallel Universe
Never Shoot a Single Pin Again
Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?
What to Do in Your Spare Time...
The "T" Word - Part 1
Fast and Furious Changes in the Game of Bowling
Sparemeister - Part 3
Sparemeister - Part 2
Sparemeister - Part 1
The Shadow Pin Spare System
Showing 1 to 22 of 22 entries