Drilling and Layout Articles
Take a quick look at any bowling social media group or discussion forum and you'll see that drillings methods and layouts are among our sport's most-discussed topics. Bowling This Month is here to give you an in-depth look into the science of bowling ball motion manipulation. Our contributors are from all parts of the bowling industry. We have articles from the manufacturers themselves, and even from some of the best coaches in the business. In this section, you will find articles that cover the various methods used to lay out a bowling ball, detailed descriptions of what different layouts will do, and, of course, information covering the layouts themselves:
- Methods used to lay out a ball: Through the progress of bowling ball technology, more and more research has been done regarding the placement of the holes in correlation to the pin, mass bias marker, and other factors that affect your bowling ball’s performance. This section details the different types of layouts that exist and the methods used to obtain that particular layout.
- Detailed descriptions of what different layouts will do: Have you ever seen a layout being used by a certain professional, but have no idea of why they would have had to use it? Our layout articles detail when, where, and why you would use a certain layout, and what effect each layout has on your ball motion. We also detail the impact other factors have, like how plugging and redrilling a ball affects its motion.
- Layouts: From conquering the short pattern with low flare layouts, to the Vector Layout System, to the powerful Blueprint simulation software, we will help you take the guess work out of bowling ball motion manipulation.
Knowing how to lay out your bowling balls can help you gain an edge over your competition. Instead of being lost in transition, you will have a far better educated guess on how to adjust because you understand all the ins and outs of your bowling equipment. Even if you never plan on drilling your own equipment, knowledge of layouts can pay huge dividends for all competitive bowlers.
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"I often get ask when participating in Pro Am events what is the place to go for coaching, technical bowling information, or generally how to improve knowledge of the game. I always point them towards BTM, as the knowledge I have learned from BTM's authors and coaches have helped me improve and take my game to a much higher level, including a PBA regional title! Topics from the physical game, to lane play, to ball motion and the mental approach are all covered. It is a must for all serious bowlers who want to improve and continue learning more about the sport we love."