Bowling Coaching Articles

When it comes to bowling coaching, Bowling This Month has a plethora of highly successful minds to pull from, all possessing countless years of experience coaching at all levels of our sport. They share with our readers the most up-to-date coaching methods and techniques available anywhere.

A lot of our readers strive to become bowling coaches themselves. Whether becoming the head coach of a local high school program, to becoming a Saturday morning youth league coordinator, or to any other aspiring coach; many find themselves stuck when trying to learn the art of coaching. Solving the puzzle of what happens when a bowling ball goes downlane can be a challenging task within itself, so being a coach presents a whole new set of obstacles to overcome. Our bowling coaching articles aim to provide information about how to better acquaint yourself to the world of coaching. The following key skills are presented at great depth through this section:

  • Coaching techniques and drills: Getting to the finished product of a balanced player is a difficult and winding road. Our contributors deliver new methods to make that path a little easier to manage. From the one step drill, to the placement of your camera equipment, we highlight the most effective coaching methods used by the nation’s best.
  • Properly preparing your player: Bowling has such a vast array of variables in finding the right formula to score. Being exposed to the different conditions at a coaching level helps a player become exposed to and experienced to a varying amount of scenarios. In many of our articles, we introduce many ways to make bowling less of a guessing game and more of a science.
  • Making information easily understood at varying skill levels: Being acutely aware to how your pupil(s) receive and interpret information is a vital skill in coaching. Learning how to match your vocabulary choice, amount of information, and content of that information can all be found here.

Delving deeper into what it takes to become a great coach, you will see that much of the information is very translatable to your own game and even can afford some life lessons. Nothing quite equates to the feeling one gets when they see a pupil smile and succeed at what they love.

Is Your Bowling Game Ready for an Upgrade?

Bowling is evolving, and those who don't keep up will unfortunately get left behind. For over 25 years, our contributors have shared their decades of knowledge and helped our subscribers take their bowling skills to new heights.

Join us as a premium member and get instant access to 869 in-depth instructional articles on all aspects of the modern game, written by some of the best bowling coaches and technical experts in the world.

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"I often get ask when participating in Pro Am events what is the place to go for coaching, technical bowling information, or generally how to improve knowledge of the game. I always point them towards BTM, as the knowledge I have learned from BTM's authors and coaches have helped me improve and take my game to a much higher level, including a PBA regional title! Topics from the physical game, to lane play, to ball motion and the mental approach are all covered. It is a must for all serious bowlers who want to improve and continue learning more about the sport we love."

- Stephen Haas (bowler, PBA regional champion, and Bowling This Month subscriber)

Featured Bowling Coaching Articles

Making history with Team Philippines


As a coach, there is nothing more special than the moment you see your bowlers ascend to the top of the podium to receive a gold medal for their nation in a major championship. To see them, with the flag...

Unique gripping and release parameters


In this follow-up article on coaching those with unorthodox traits, I will look into other aspects of a bowler’s game and my approach to coaching them, with a focus on the bowler’s grip, ball roll, mental game, and also the...

The keys to effectively helping athletes improve


Too many of us came up through our teaching, coaching, or mental game ranks believing that it was enough to learn skills and technical information in order to effect change in athletes. We thought that learning the game, working hard...


Leading up to the 2022 IBF Bowling World Cup in Australia, Bowling This Month contributor Dean Champ interviewed Australian Rebecca Whiting, winner of the 2019 QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup in Indonesia. The 2022 IBF Bowling World Cup is being hosted at the...

The BTM Interview: Andy Diercks - Part 2

In this installment of The BTM Interview, we continue our chat with Team USA Assistant Coach Andy Diercks. He is a USBC Silver-certified coach who has worked with Junior Team USA since 2017. Coach Diercks is also the head coach...

Bowling Coaching Article Directory

The table below lists all of our bowling coaching articles.

You can sort this table by clicking on the header row of any column. Also, you can filter the data in the table by entering a search term in the search box below.

IssueArticle TitleAuthor
Strategies for Maximizing Team Performance
Coaching the Unorthodox - Part 2
The Seven Laws of Coaching and
The BTM Interview: Rebecca Whiting
The BTM Interview: Andy Diercks - Part 2
Finding the Right Bowling Coach
Tricks of the Bowling Coaching Trade - Part 4
FACTS Coaching
Roles and Functions of a Coach
Tricks of the Bowling Coaching Trade - Part 3
Tricks of the Bowling Coaching Trade - Part 2
Tricks of the Bowling Coaching Trade - Part 1
Tips and Suggestions for Mid-Level Bowlers - Part 1
Cultivating the Proper Team Bowling Environment
Building Effective Bowling Teams - Part 2
Key Takeaways from the 2018 World Bowling Coach Conference
Building Effective Bowling Teams - Part 1
Modern Bowling Coaching Dilemmas
Help Your Coach Help You
The Use of Poseable Mannequins During Bowling Motor Skill Training
Role (Roll) Models
Unlocking the Bowling Talent Code - Part 3
Steps to the Learning and Coaching Process
Entry Angle Assessment
Unlocking the Bowling Talent Code - Part 2
Unlocking the Bowling Talent Code - Part 1
Counting Boards
Jedi Bowling
Getting Your Young Student or Child Ready for Fall League
Going To the Picture Show
Tricky Lanes and Coaching Selection
See It, Hear It, or Do It?
Observations from the USBC Open Championships
Words Can Be Dangerous
Should Coaches Rely on Cameras or Watchful Eyes?
The Walkabout
Commentary and Perspectives on the Art of Instruction
Coaching Discussion
Coaching Overload
Coaching the Disabled Athlete
"Wired In" to the Competitive Bowler
Should Coaches Help Athletes Instruct?
Magic Coaching
Odds and Ends on Coaching and Competing
Assessing Lift and Forward Spine Tilt
Bandwidth Feedback
Lights, Camera, Action - Part 1
Lights, Camera, Action - Part 2
Getting Conflicting Advice, and What’s More Important: Technique or Results?
Training Two-Handed Players
Take Charge with Technology - Part 1
When to Make the Bat-Call
How Coaches Can Best Apply Feedback
A Review of the Dick Ritger Satellite Camps
Coaching Spotlight with Frank Buffa