Bowling Book Report Articles

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"I often get ask when participating in Pro Am events what is the place to go for coaching, technical bowling information, or generally how to improve knowledge of the game. I always point them towards BTM, as the knowledge I have learned from BTM's authors and coaches have helped me improve and take my game to a much higher level, including a PBA regional title! Topics from the physical game, to lane play, to ball motion and the mental approach are all covered. It is a must for all serious bowlers who want to improve and continue learning more about the sport we love."

- Stephen Haas (bowler, PBA regional champion, and Bowling This Month subscriber)

Featured Bowling Book Report Articles

The BTM Book Report: 'One Elite Frame at a Time'
Tyrel Rose and Bill Sempsrott have once again teamed up to bring bowlers a collection of tips and advice to help them take their bowling skills to the next level. One Elite Frame at a Time builds on...

Dr. Steven Ungerleider's Mental Training for Peak Performance offers a lot of insight into the mental game, including numerous sport-specific examples that can be applied to bowling as well...

The BTM Book Report: 'The Culture Code'
The Culture Code was written by Daniel Coyle, author of The Talent Code. This book dives into what makes groups successful, from sports teams to the Navy SEALs and from corporations to a...

The BTM Book Report: 'Think Again'
Adam Grant's Think Again is a book about learning and gaining wisdom from experience. It discusses the joy that can be found in being wrong and the important balance between confidence and...

The BTM Book Report: 'Relentless'
In Relentless, author Tim S. Grover introduces his three personalities as they relate to performance. Coolers are the role players, performing well as needed but happy to let others take the...

Bowling Book Report Article Directory

The table below lists all of our bowling book report articles.

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IssueArticle TitleAuthor
The BTM Book Report: 'One Elite Frame at a Time'
The BTM Book Report: 'Mental Training for Peak Performance'
The BTM Book Report: 'The Culture Code'
The BTM Book Report: 'Think Again'
The BTM Book Report: 'Relentless'
The BTM Book Report: 'One Frame at a Time'
The BTM Book Report: 'The Achievement Habit'
The BTM Book Report: 'The Happiness Advantage'
The BTM Book Report: 'The Coaching Habit'
The BTM Book Report: 'Built to Move'
The BTM Book Report: 'Better Than Before'
The BTM Book Report: 'Grit'
The BTM Book Report: 'Zen Golf'
The BTM Book Report: 'Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less'
The BTM Book Report: 'The Talent Code'
The BTM Book Report: 'The Greatest Salesman in the World'
The BTM Book Report: 'Sisu: The Finnish Art of Courage'
The BTM Book Report: 'Shorter'
The BTM Book Report: 'Flow'
The BTM Book Report: 'Human Hacking'
The BTM Book Report: 'Kobe: Life Lessons from a Legend'
The BTM Book Report: 'Chatter'
The BTM Book Report: 'Atomic Habits'
The BTM Book Report: 'Ninety Percent Mental'
The BTM Book Report: 'Upstream'
The BTM Book Report: 'Coach Wooden's Greatest Secret'
The BTM Book Report: 'The Mental Edge'
The BTM Book Report: 'Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking'
The BTM Book Report: 'Human Potential: Passion, Perspective, Preparation'
The BTM Book Report: 'Chop Wood, Carry Water'
The BTM Book Report: 'Habits of a Happy Brain'
The BTM Book Report: 'The Inner Game of Tennis'
The BTM Book Report: 'Talent Is Overrated'
The BTM Book Report: 'You Are a Badass'
The BTM Book Report: 'The End of Average'
The BTM Book Report: 'Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect'
The BTM Book Report: 'Outliers: The Story of Success'
The BTM Book Report: 'Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World'