Common Issues for Beginner Bowlers

Timing, slow feet, spare shooting, and overthinking

Common Issues for Beginner Bowlers

Over the next few articles, I want to go through some of the most common issues faced by bowlers of all different levels. In my experience working with bowlers of all levels, there are some clear differences in what I generally need to address for beginners, intermediate, and more advanced bowlers.

Getting started with beginner bowlers, let’s first define what that means. Generally, I consider a beginner bowler to be someone who:

  • has less than three years of experience with organized bowling (leagues),
  • is relatively new to having their own equipment, and
  • generally has an average of 160 or less.

Of course, there are exceptions. New bowlers can fall in love with the game and spend all their free time improving so their physical skills and average score climb quickly within 12 to 18 months. Some bowlers can bowl for years in leagues in a more recreational capacity until they decide to take it more seriously and, therefore, can be considered to have a beginner level of skill with more than three years of experience.

This article will focus on both common physical problems as well as other issues I’ve seen regularly over the years, in hopes of helping those who are at this beginning stage of their bowling journey.

The physical game

To get this out of the way immediately, we won’t be talking about the release. While it’s often the focus of many beginners, there are two key foundational elements that are more important for beginners than developing a better release. The release takes time to develop, and it is the result of everything that comes before it, so it makes sense to look there first.

The two most common physical issues I’ve corrected with beginners are their start position and their foot speed.

Using a better start position

Without proper coaching, beginners can have all manner of start positions. They range from a loose facsimile of their favorite professional bowler, to body positions that ...

Tyrel Rose

About Tyrel Rose

Tyrel Rose has over 20 years of experience coaching bowlers of all levels. He is currently the Head Coach of Team Canada, and he offers remote private coaching services for bowlers who want to improve their games. From 2019 to 2024, Tyrel was Bowling This Month's Director of Content. He has written over 150 articles for BTM on all aspects of the sport, and he is also the author of two best-selling bowling books, One Frame at a Time and One Elite Frame at a Time.