At-a-Glance Ball Comparison Table

The BTM At-A-Glance Ball Comparison Table shows a tabular comparison of all recently-reviewed bowling balls. Currently, all balls in our database are shown in the table. BTM subscribers can customize the columns displayed on their Edit Profile page.

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- David Sellers (bowler and Bowling This Month subscriber)

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CompanyBall NameIssueCoverBox FinishRGDiffInt
Absolute TruthR HybICE "E" Pad2.480.0550.000
After Dark PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.560.0300.000
After Dark SolidR Sol1.5K Grit Polished2.560.0300.000
Afterburner Blue/BlackR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0380.000
Afterburner Purple/BlackR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0380.000
All DayR Sol4K Grit Pad2.500.0460.000
All InR Prl4K Grit2.520.0430.000
All NightR Prl2K Grit Polished2.500.0460.000
Altered RealityR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0520.018
AspectR Sol3K Abrl2.510.0480.000
BadgerR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0410.000
Badger InfusedUre Hyb1K Abrl2.570.0410.000
BankR Sol4K Abrl2.4810.0540.020
Bank PearlR PrlPolished2.480.0540.020
Black EagleR SolneaT2.4890.0580.024
Black OpsR Sol1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0580.021
Boo-YahUre Sol1K Grit2.610.0260.000
Boost Blue/Black HybridR Hyb2K Grit Polished2.540.0430.000
Boost Bubble Gum and Black/GreenR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.540.0430.000
Boost Cardinal Red PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.540.0430.000
Boost Purple/Green HybridR Hyb4K Grit2.540.0430.000
Break DownR SolneaT2.570.0300.011
Bullet TrainR HybneAt2.5530.0400.000
Chemical XR Sol4K Grit2.490.0350.000
ContinuumR Hyb2K Abrl2.490.0540.029
Covert OpsR SolICE "C" Pad2.480.0580.021
Dark MatterR Sol1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0400.000
Desert HookR PrlPolished2.610.0260.000
Desert OpsR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0300.011
Dirty LookR PrlPolished2.5320.0540.021
DreamR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0540.024
Dream BigR Sol4K Abrl2.480.0540.024
Dream Big PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0540.024
Dream On (2014)R Hyb4K Grit Pad2.480.0540.024
Dream On (2018)R Hyb4K Abrl2.480.0540.024
DriftR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.540.0540.000
EonR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.500.0490.000
Eon InfiniteR HybICE "C" Pad2.500.0490.000
EquilibriumR Hyb4K Abrl2.490.0450.000
EternityR PrlReacta Gloss2.490.0500.014
Eternity PiR Sol2K Abrl2.490.0500.014
FluxR Sol4K Abrl2.550.0480.014
Flux PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0480.014
Freight TrainR SolnEat2.5430.0550.000
Grip ItR Hyb4K Abrl2.490.0400.000
Hard DriveR PrlneaT2.480.0530.023
Harsh RealityR Sol2K Abrl2.480.0540.019
Harsh Reality PearlR PrlReacta Gloss2.480.0540.019
Honey BadgerR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0410.008
Honey Badger ClawR Sol2K Abrl2.570.0410.008
Honey Badger Extreme PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.540.0530.011
Honey Badger Extreme SolidR Sol2K Abrl2.540.0530.011
Honey Badger IntensityR Sol4K Abrl2.540.0480.012
Honey Badger RevivalR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.540.0480.012
Honey Badger UrethaneUre Sol1K Abrl2.570.0410.008
Hook! Black / Neon GreenR Sol4K Abrl2.5510.0460.000
Hook! Black/Silver PearlR PrlPolished2.5510.0460.000
Hook! BlueR Prl4K Abrl2.5510.0460.000
Hook! Blue/YellowR HybPolished2.5510.0460.000
Hook! Orange/Purple PearlR PrlPolished2.5510.0460.000
Hook! Pink/BlackR HybPolished2.5510.0460.000
Hook! Red/Yellow SolidR SolPolished2.5510.0460.000
InceptionR Sol4K Abrl2.480.0550.024
Inception DCTR SolICE "I" Pad2.480.0550.024
Inception DCT PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0550.024
Inception PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0550.024
Inception ReduxR HybnEat2.520.0500.016
Infrared R SolneaT2.520.0470.000
JewelR PrlPolished2.5310.0520.000
Jewel Purple/PinkR PrlPolished2.5550.0450.000
Money BadgerR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0440.008
Money Badger TourR Sol2K Abrl2.570.0440.008
MoxieR Hyb4K Grit Pad2.490.0520.000
NetworkR PrlneaT2.4880.0510.030
OrdnanceR Sol4K Abrl2.470.0430.000
Ordnance C4R Hyb4K Abrl2.480.0420.000
Ordnance PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.540.0540.000
OriginR HybPower Edge2.480.0500.020
ProtocolR Sol2K Abrl Polished2.530.0420.023
Raw ProfitR Sol4K Abrl2.470.0480.016
RealityR Sol2K Abrl2.490.0520.018
Reality CheckR Hyb4K - Fast2.490.0520.018
Respect (2015)R Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0520.000
Respect (2018)R Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0520.000
Respect PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0470.000
Respect SolidR SolneaT2.490.0520.000
Rip ItR PrlPolished2.570.0450.000
Shadow OpsUre Hyb1K Abrl2.520.0440.017
Space Time ContinuumR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.530.0420.020
Special OpsR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0440.017
SublimeR HybReacta Gloss2.470.0560.000
Sublime FocusR Sol2K Abrl2.470.0560.000
Sure ThingR Hyb2K Abrl2.4940.0430.000
Tactical OpsR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0580.021
The EagleR Sol4K Abrl2.4890.0580.024
The Eagle PearlR PrlPolished2.4890.0580.024
The LookR HybneaT2.5510.0500.017
The NutsR SolneaT2.5430.0500.018
The Nuts PearlR PrlneaT2.5510.0500.017
TrainR HybnEat2.5050.0540.000
TruthR Sol4K Abrl2.480.0550.000
Truth PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0550.000
Truth TourR SolICE "E" Pad2.530.0380.000
VixenR PrlPolished2.560.0450.000
VolatilityR Hyb2K Abrl2.490.0500.014
Volatility TorqueR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0500.014
VoltR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.560.0470.000
Volt SolidR Sol2K Abrl2.560.0470.000
War EagleR SolneaT2.500.0470.019
White Hot BadgerR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0410.000
Wisdom Red/SilverR PrlPolished2.5710.0350.000
WolverineR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.540.0530.000
Wolverine Dark MossR Prl4K - Fast2.540.0530.000
XR SolneAt2.490.0350.000
X2R SolICE "C" Pad2.490.0350.000
XponentR Sol4K Abrl2.480.0420.000
Xponent PearlR PrlReacta Gloss2.480.0420.000
ZenR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0510.000
Zen 25R PrlPower Edge2.480.0530.000
Zen Gold LabelR PrlReacta Gloss2.490.0510.000
Zen MasterR Sol3K Abraon2.490.0510.000
Zen SoulR Hyb4K Abrl2.490.0510.000
Zen UUre Sol1K Abrl2.560.0270.000
Accu Swing IVR Prl500 / 600 / 2K Abrl2.490.0520.018
Black MambaR SolnEat2.5420.0550.000
Bull Whip Special EditionR PrlPolished2.5290.0510.000
Cobra Special EditionR Sol4K Abrl2.5630.0170.000
DarknessR Sol4K Abrl2.4790.0540.000
DecimateR HybneaT2.550.0550.000
Double ClutchR Sol2K Abrl2.520.0400.020
Double Clutch PearlR PrlPolished2.520.0400.020
EncoreR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.540.0370.000
EscapeR HybneaT2.480.0510.030
Great EscapeR SolnEat2.480.0510.030
Green MambaR SolneaT2.4810.0540.020
GripR Sol2K Abrl2.4870.0540.021
Heat StrokeR PrlPolished2.490.0330.000
IncinerateR SolnEat2.490.0500.000
Incinerate PearlR PrlPolished2.540.0500.000
King CobraR Sol4K Abrl2.460.0300.000
Mamba HybridR HybneaT2.4810.0540.020
Night Hawk SER HybneaT2.530.0460.000
Night Hawk Stealth SER SolnEat2.530.0460.000
Ninja Pearl SER Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0540.000
Ninja SER SolneaT2.480.0540.000
OMG!R Sol1K Abrl2.520.0440.000
PureR SolnEat2.510.0540.000
Pure AdrenalineR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0550.000
Shred-ItR Hyb4K Abrl2.480.0540.000
ShredderR PrlPolished2.450.0540.000
Solar FlareR PrlneaT2.500.0400.014
Sumo SER Sol1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0500.000
TorchR PrlCompound2.520.0380.010
UnrealR SolneAt2.520.0410.014
XciteR PrlPolished2.550.0460.000
NSTR Prl1.5K Abrl Polished2.4800.0480.000
OSWR Sol1.5K Abrl Polished2.5030.0350.000
PegasusR Prl2K Abrl2.5550.0460.000
Absolute NirvanaR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.4770.0540.013
AnacondaR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.4640.0470.000
AttitudeR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4740.0470.000
Attitude ControlUre Prl500 / 1K SiaAir2.4740.0470.000
AuraR Sol500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.4810.0520.015
Avalanche UrethaneUre PrlRough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.5240.0240.000
Beyond InfinityR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5210.0510.010
BruteR Hyb500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.4910.0320.000
C(System) Alpha-MaxR Sol500 / 800 / 4K SiaAir2.5200.0500.017
C(System) Maxxed-Out SolidR Sol500 / 2K / 4K SiaAir2.4800.0550.000
C(System) Versa-MaxR Sol500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.540.0520.000
Cutting Edge HybridR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.5210.0390.000
Cutting Edge PearlR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5210.0390.000
Cutting Edge SolidR Sol500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Shine2.5210.0390.000
DamageR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss Finish2.5590.0450.000
DefenderR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4730.0540.015
Defender HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4730.0540.015
Edge Blue PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4870.0500.000
Edge Dark Purple SolidR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4870.0500.000
EndeavorR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5400.0450.000
EthosR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4810.0530.000
Ethos HybridR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.4810.0530.000
FanaticR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5400.0520.000
Fanatic BTUR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.6010.0300.000
Fanatic BTU PearlR Prl500 / 4K SiaAir2.6010.0300.000
Fanatic SSR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4800.0550.000
FearlessR Sol500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4740.0470.000
Fortera ExileR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5120.0500.016
Fortera IntrigueR Hyb500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5120.0500.016
HeroR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4740.0470.000
HypnotizeR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.5100.0560.017
InfinityR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.5210.0510.010
Intense MindsetR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4870.0500.021
Ivory Rhino ProR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5680.0320.000
Jagged Edge HybridR Hyb500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5080.0430.000
Jagged Edge SolidR Sol500 / 3K SiaAir2.5080.0430.000
Karma PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.5270.0400.000
Karma Purple/Pink PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.5390.0400.000
Karma SolidR Sol500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.5270.0400.000
Karma UrethaneUre Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5390.0400.000
KingpinR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4830.0550.020
Kingpin MaxR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.4830.0550.020
Kingpin RuleR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4830.0550.020
Knock OutR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.4870.0500.000
Knock Out Black and BlueR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4870.0500.000
Knock Out BruiserR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.4870.0500.000
Loaded RevolverR Prl500 / 1.5K SiaAir / Rough Buff Finish2.5040.0540.000
Magnitude 035R Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5210.0350.000
Magnitude 035 PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5210.0350.000
Magnitude 055R Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4990.0550.000
Massive DamageR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.4920.0500.000
MastermindR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4880.0520.015
Mastermind EinsteinR Hyb500 / 2K / 4K SiaAir2.5040.0480.013
Mastermind GeniusR Hyb500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.4880.0520.015
Mastermind IntellectR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.4880.0520.015
Mastermind ScholarR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.4880.0520.015
Mastermind StrategyR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5040.0480.013
MeanstreakR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.5570.0480.000
Meanstreak BeatdownR Sol500 / 4K SiaAir2.5360.0480.000
Meanstreak BrawlerR Hyb500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.5360.0480.000
MeleeR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5390.0500.000
Melee CrossR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4870.0500.000
Melee JabR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.4870.0500.000
Melee Jab CarbonR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4870.0500.000
Melee Jab Midnight BlueR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4870.0500.000
MesmerizeR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5100.0560.017
MethodR Hyb500 / 3K SiaAir2.4990.0550.000
Method SolidR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4990.0550.000
MindsetR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4870.0500.021
Mystic AuraR Hyb500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.4810.0520.015
Nexus f(P)R Prl500 / 1.5K SiaAir / Rough Buff Finish2.5020.0560.012
Nexus f(P+F)R Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4800.0560.017
Nexxus f(P+R)R Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir Finish2.480.0560.017
Nexxxus f(P+S)R Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.490.0560.012
NirvanaR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4770.0540.013
Paranormal AuraR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4810.0520.015
Perfect MindsetR Hyb500 / 1.5K / 3K SiaAir2.4870.0500.021
Prism HybridR Hyb500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4650.0510.018
Prism SolidR Sol360 / 500 / 2K SiaAir2.4650.0510.018
Quantum BiasR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.5630.0520.013
Quantum Bias PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5630.0520.013
Quantum Classic BlackR Sol500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5570.0530.000
Quantum Evo HybridR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.5100.0510.018
Quantum Evo PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5110.0530.024
Quantum Evo ResponseR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5110.0530.024
Quantum Evo SolidR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5020.0480.012
Quantum Fire PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5570.0530.000
Quantum Forest Green SolidR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.5570.0530.000
RevolverR Prl500 / 4K SiaAir2.5580.0540.000
RhinoR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5240.0300.000
RingerR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss2.5340.0380.000
Ringer Platinum PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5340.0380.000
Ringer Royal Blue SolidR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5340.0380.000
StellarR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5400.0520.000
Strike KingR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss2.5780.0280.000
Teal Rhino ProR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.5680.0320.000
TenacityR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5030.0520.018
Tenacity GritR Prl500 / 1K / 3K SiaAir2.5030.0520.018
True MotionUre Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.5210.0350.000
True NirvanaR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4770.0540.013
Ultimate DefenderR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.4730.0540.015
Ultimate NirvanaR Hyb500 / 4K SiaAir2.4770.0540.013
UppercutR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4870.0500.000
Vapor Zone HybridR Hyb500 / 3K SiaAir2.4780.0480.017
Vapor Zone SolidR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4780.0480.017
VaporizeR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4780.0480.017
Vintage Danger ZoneR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5010.0480.000
Vintage Gold Rhino ProR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5200.0480.000
Vintage InfernoR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4790.0500.000
Vintage LT-48R Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5650.0380.000
Vintage PhantomR Sol360 / 1K SiaAir2.4710.0320.000
Vintage Vapor ZoneR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4780.0480.017
Wicked SiegeR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.5290.0500.020
ZenithR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.4850.0520.019
Zenith HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir2.4850.0520.019
Zenith PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound / Crown Factory Polish2.4850.0520.019
AnticsR Hyb500 Abrn / 3K Abrl2.500.0540.013
AtlasR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5200.0540.018
Atlas HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5200.0540.018
BallerR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.520.0520.018
BeastR Prl500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.540.0350.000
BenchmarkR Hyb800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl2.510.0520.000
Blur HybridR Hyb800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.520.0450.000
Blur PearlR Prl800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.520.0450.000
Blur SolidR Sol800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.520.0450.000
ChaosR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0540.000
Chaos BlackR Sol500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0540.000
Command SolidR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5130.0530.021
Crazy AnticsR Prl500 / 500 / 1.5K Abrn Soft / PHFF Polish2.500.0540.016
Cuda PowerCORR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5010.0470.000
Cuda PowerCOR PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5010.0470.000
Dark EncounterR Sol500 / 1K / 2K / 2K Abrl2.500.0520.013
Deep FreezeR Prl800 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.590.0350.000
DeliriumR Prl500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.460.0430.000
Delirium ShockR Sol500 / 4K Abrl2.460.0430.000
DisorderR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.460.0400.000
DisruptionR Sol800 Abrn / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.460.0400.000
Dynamic SwingR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.4820.0470.012
Dynamic Swing PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4820.0470.012
EncounterR Prl500 / 1K / 2K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0520.013
EnigmaR Sol800 Abrn / 800 Abrn / 1.5K Abrn Soft / 1.5K Abrn Soft2.500.0520.013
EruptionR Prl800 / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.460.0430.000
Eruption PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4690.0430.000
Eruption ProR Sol500 / 500 / 500 Abrl / 1.5K Abrn Soft / PHFF Polish2.500.0360.000
Eruption Pro BlueR Sol500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0360.000
Eruption Pro HybridR Hyb500 / 500 / 500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0360.000
Explosion R Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.4690.0430.000
FreezeR Prl4K Grit Polished2.560.0470.000
Freeze HybridR Hyb2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.560.0470.000
Freeze SolidR Sol2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.560.0470.000
High SpeedR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4780.0500.015
ImpulseR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0500.000
Impulse SolidR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.490.0500.000
JukeR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0470.000
KaboomR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5290.0460.000
LitR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.470.0520.020
Lit PearlR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.470.0520.020
Mad AnticsR Hyb500 / 4K Abrl / PH CnS Compound2.500.0540.016
MadnessR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4950.0480.012
Mass EruptionR Hyb800 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl2.460.0400.000
Melt DownR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.510.0530.000
MessengerR Prl500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.570.0210.000
Messenger PowerCOR Black/Gold PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5150.0400.000
Messenger PowerCOR PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5150.0400.000
Messenger PowerCOR SolidR Sol500 / 1.5K / 3K SiaAir2.5150.0400.000
N'Sane AnticsR Sol500 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PH CnS Compound2.500.0420.016
NitrousR Prl500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.550.0330.000
OathR Sol500 / 800 Abrn / 1K / 2K Abrl2.470.0540.000
OmenR Prl500 / 500 / 4K / 4K Abrl2.470.0540.000
OutburstR Sol800 / 800 / 1K / 1K Abrl2.460.0430.000
Piranha PowerCORR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5180.0550.000
Piranha PowerCOR PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5180.0550.000
Power TorqR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4890.0540.000
Power Torq PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4890.0540.000
Pure MadnessR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4950.0480.012
Pure PhysicsR Sol800 / 1K / 2K Abrl2.510.0560.015
RansomR Prl800 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / Polish2.530.0550.016
Ransom DemandR Sol800 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl2.530.0560.016
Raw UrgeR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.500.0560.015
ResurgenceR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.460.0430.000
Ricochet PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Factory Compound / Factory Polish2.4880.0540.000
SaberR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.500.0540.016
Saber PearlR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0540.016
SavageR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.490.0510.016
Savage LifeR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0510.016
Severe DeliriumR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.460.0430.000
SideswipeR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0410.000
Sideswipe SolidR Sol500 / 1K / 3K Abrl2.500.0410.000
Smack DownR Hyb500 / 500 Abrn / 2K / 2K Abrl2.510.0530.000
SpeedR Hyb500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4780.0500.015
SpoilerR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.520.0450.000
Spoiler AlertR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.520.0450.000
Super Cuda PowerCORR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.5010.0470.000
SwerveR Sol500 / 1K / 2K Abrl2.470.0520.007
Swerve FXR Prl500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.470.0520.007
Swerve GTR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.470.0520.007
Take DownR Prl500 / 3K Abrl2.510.0530.000
The Classic U2Ure Sol2K Abrl2.460.0430.000
Throw DownR Sol500 / 500 / 500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0530.000
Top SpeedR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4780.0500.015
TyrantR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0560.011
Tyrant PearlR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0560.011
UrgeR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0560.015
Violent EruptionR Prl800 Abrn / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.460.0400.000
VowR Prl500 / 800 / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.470.0540.000
Wicked EncounterR Hyb800 / 800 Abrl / 1.5K / 1.5K Abrn2.500.0520.013
World BeaterR Sol800 / 1K / 2K/ 2K Abrl2.540.0550.017
Alley CatR Sol500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound / Crown Factory Shine2.5640.0250.000
Brutal CollisionR Sol500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4620.0520.019
Brutal NightmareR Hyb500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.5050.0520.013
Captiv8R Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5320.0380.000
ChillR Sol500 / 1.5K / 3K SiaAir2.4950.0510.000
Chill PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4950.0510.000
CollisionR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4620.0520.019
CreedR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4960.0550.011
Creed RebellionR Sol1.5K SiaAir2.4960.0550.011
Creed RevelationR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4960.0550.011
Damn Good Verge R Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4670.0370.000
Damn Good Verge PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Polish2.4670.0370.000
Deviant PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5620.0500.000
Diamond DivaR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4950.0510.000
DivaR Sol500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss2.5160.0520.000
Diva DivineR Hyb500 / 4K SiaAir2.5160.0520.000
Diva PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5160.0520.000
Diva StyleR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5160.0520.000
Diva XOXOR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5160.0520.000
DudeR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5570.0400.000
Endless NightmareR Hyb500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5050.0520.013
FreakshowR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Polish2.4810.0540.000
Freakshow FlipR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4810.0540.000
Freakshow SolidR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4810.0540.000
FrequencyR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.4760.0470.018
GlamR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5160.0520.000
GrudgeR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.4900.0560.014
Grudge HybridR Hyb500 / 4K SiaAir2.490.0560.014
Grudge PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4900.0560.014
HaterR Hyb500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5390.0540.024
HecklerR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5040.0510.010
Hell RaiserR Hyb500 / 1.5K SiaAir Pad / Rough Buff Finish2.5370.0540.016
Hell Raiser BlazeR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.5370.0530.016
Hell Raiser ReturnR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5370.0530.016
Hell Raiser RevengeR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.480.0560.018
Hell Raiser TerrorR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss2.480.0560.018
HellcatR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5370.0530.016
Hellcat XLR8R Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5370.0530.016
HitmanR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5240.0500.020
Hitman EnforcerR Hyb500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5240.0500.020
HooliganR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5530.0400.000
InstigatorR Sol500 / 3K SiaAir2.4810.0510.016
IntimidatorR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4810.0510.016
Intimidator PearlR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4810.0510.015
MantraR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4980.0470.011
MarauderR Hyb500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss2.5240.0500.000
Marauder MadnessR Sol500 / 4K SiaAir2.5240.0500.000
Marauder MutinyR Hyb500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss2.5240.0500.000
MedusaR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5070.0480.011
MisfitR Sol500 SiaAir Pad / Rough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.5120.0400.000
Misfit Neon Yellow PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss2.5450.0320.000
Misfit Red/OrangeR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5450.0320.000
Nasty RumorR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5340.0480.000
Night ProwlerR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4910.0440.011
NightmareR Sol500 / 1K / 4K SiaAir2.5050.0520.013
NotoriousR Hyb500 / 3K SiaAir2.4760.0470.018
OutcastR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5470.0300.000
PitbullR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.4860.0550.020
Pitbull BarkR Sol1K SiaAir2.4860.0550.020
Pitbull BiteR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4860.0550.020
Pitbull GrowlR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4860.0550.020
PoisonR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5640.0540.000
Poison PearlR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5640.0540.000
ProwlerR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4910.0440.011
RecklessR Prl500 SiaAir Pad / Rough Buff2.5230.0500.000
RuckusR Hyb500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5400.0520.013
Ruckus FeudR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5400.0520.013
Ruckus SchizoR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5400.0520.013
Rude DudeR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5570.0400.000
RumorR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5340.0480.000
Tactic ControlUre Sol500 / 3K SiaAir2.5280.0420.000
ThugR Hyb500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5050.0520.015
Thug CorruptR Hyb500 / 4K SiaAir2.5050.0520.015
Thug UnrulyR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5050.0520.015
Too RecklessR Sol500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.5230.0500.000
Trouble MakerR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.4960.0450.000
Trouble Maker PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4960.0450.000
Trouble Maker SolidR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4960.0450.000
Turmoil 2 PearlR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5300.0430.000
Turmoil 2 SolidR Sol500 / 3K SiaAir2.5300.0430.000
Turmoil HybridR Hyb500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5280.0420.000
Turmoil PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5280.0420.000
Turmoil SolidR Sol500 / 4K SiaAir2.5280.0420.000
Vandal DestroyR Hyb500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4990.0550.011
Vandal SmashR Sol500 / 4K SiaAir2.4990.0500.011
Vandal StrikeR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4990.0550.011
VergeR Sol360 / 500 / 2K SiaAir2.4760.0490.000
Verge HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4760.0490.000
Verge SolidR Sol500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir2.4760.0490.000
Violent CollisionR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4620.0520.019
WarrantR Hyb500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5050.0540.012
Warrant SolidR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5050.0540.012
Wicked CollisionR Sol500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4620.0520.019
Adrenaline OverloadR Prl500 / 3K Abrl2.500.0560.000
Adrenaline ShotR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.500.0560.000
Aero DynamixR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5040.0500.013
AffinityR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.520.0400.000
Big Time Special EditionR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir2.5080.0540.000
ChallengeR Prl800 / 1K / 2K / 3K Abrl2.510.0570.017
ChampionR Prl500 / 500 / 500 / 1.5K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0550.007
ChoiceR Hyb500 / 1K / 2K Abrl2.490.0540.021
Choice PearlR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0540.021
Choice SolidR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.490.0540.021
Code of HonorR Sol500 / 3K Abrl2.480.0490.017
CrusherR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.4890.0560.016
Crusher HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4890.0560.016
CycloneR Prl4K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.530.0530.000
Destiny HybridR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.530.0530.000
Destiny PearlR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.530.0530.000
Destiny Pearl Black/Red/BlueR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.530.0530.000
Destiny SolidR Sol500 / 1K / 3K Abrl2.530.0530.000
Destiny Solid MagentaR Sol500 / 1K / 3K Abrl2.530.0530.000
ElevateR Hyb800 Abrn / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0510.000
EmergeR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5100.0530.021
Emerge HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5100.0530.021
EndureR Hyb500 / 1K / 2K / 3K Abrl2.500.0510.000
Energy SourceR Hyb500 / 500 / 500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0500.013
EnvisionR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5010.0530.010
Envision PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 3K SiaAir2.5010.0530.010
ExceedR Hyb3K Abrl2.490.0460.010
FireballR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5190.0390.000
Fireball Purple/GoldR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5190.0390.000
FuturaR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0530.000
Game Breaker 2 (2014)R Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0480.000
Game Breaker 2 (2022)R Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4800.0480.000
Game Breaker 2 GoldR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0480.000
Game Breaker 2 MVPR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PH CnS Compound2.480.0480.000
Game Breaker 2 PhenomR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0480.000
Game Breaker 2 Phenom PearlR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0480.000
Game Breaker 3R Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0480.000
Game Breaker 3 Black/BlueR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0480.000
Game Breaker 3 PearlR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0480.000
Game Breaker 4 HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4800.0480.000
Game Breaker 4 PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4800.0480.000
Game Breaker 5R Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4800.0480.000
Game Breaker AsymR Prl500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir / Crown Factory Polish2.4680.0540.008
Game ChangerR Prl500 / 1K / 2K / 3K Abrl2.480.0500.000
Game OnR Prl800 / 800 Abrn / 1K / 1K Abrl / Polished2.510.0580.000
HonorR Hyb500 / 500 / 500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0490.017
ImpactR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0490.017
InnovateR Prl800 Abrn / 1K Abrl / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0460.010
LegacyR Hyb500 / 1.5K Abrn / PHFF Polish2.500.0510.022
MatrixR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.530.0490.007
Matrix SolidR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.530.0490.007
MaverickR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0560.016
Maverick PearlR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0560.016
Mission $250KR Prl800 / 1K / 2K / 3K Abrl2.490.0500.013
Mission 2.0R Prl800 Abrn / 1K / 2K Abrl2.490.0500.013
Mission UnknownR Sol500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0500.013
Mission XR Sol800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 3K Abrl2.500.0500.013
Omni HybridR Hyb500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5010.0500.013
PersevereR Hyb800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 3K Abrl2.500.0510.000
PivotR Hyb500 / 1.5K Abrn2.480.0490.017
Pivot PointR Prl500 / 1.5K Abrn / PHFF Polish2.480.0490.017
PolarisR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4750.0480.018
Polaris HybridR Hyb500 / 1.5K / 3K SiaAir2.4750.0480.018
PumaR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Polish2.5250.0360.000
PursuitR Hyb500 Abrl / 1.5K Abrn2.490.0540.008
Pursuit SR Hyb500 Abrl / 1.5K Abrn2.510.0560.000
Real OneR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.460.0560.027
Real TimeR Sol500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5080.0540.000
SaluteR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0560.000
SignalsR Prl800 Abrn / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.520.0550.000
SourceR Prl800 Abrn / 1K / 2K Abrl/PHFF Polish2.490.0500.013
The One EncoreR Hyb500 / 1.5K / 4K SiaAir2.4660.0560.027
The One RemixR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4660.0560.027
The One ReverbR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4660.0560.027
Turbo/RR Prl500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.590.0350.000
VerdictR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0550.018
Verdict PearlR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0550.018
Vital EnergyR Prl800 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl2.480.0550.018
Vortex V2 (2019)R Sol500 / 1K Abrl2.460.0510.000
Warning SignR Hyb800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 3K Abrl2.520.0550.018
WarriorR Prl500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.470.0570.020
Warrior EliteR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.470.0570.020
Warrior Supreme R Sol500 / 3K Abrl2.470.0570.020
Alien AbductionR Sol1K Abrl2.4770.0500.026
Alien PearlR PrlPolished2.500.0420.000
EchoR Prl4K Abrl2.5450.0480.000
PlatinumR Prl2K Grit Polished2.480.0540.000
TreasonR Hyb1K Abrl Matte2.5270.0480.000
3-D OffsetR Prl500 / 2K SiaAir2.4890.0530.008
3-D Offset AssaultR Hyb500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.4890.0530.008
3-D Offset AttackR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4890.0530.008
Absolut CurveR Hyb500 / 500 / 500 Abrl / 1.5K Abrn / PHFF Polish2.480.0480.000
Absolut FlipR Prl500 / 500 / 500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0480.000
AmpR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PH CnS Compound2.490.0540.013
Amp UpR Prl500 / 500 / 500 / 1.5K Abrn / PHFF Polish2.480.0540.013
AngerR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5670.0490.000
Arctic VibeR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5100.0420.000
ArsonR Hyb800 / 1K / 2K / 2K Abrl2.500.0450.000
Arson High FlareR Prl500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0540.000
Arson High Flare SolidR Sol500 / 3K Abrl2.480.0540.000
Arson HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1K / 3K Abrl2.480.0450.000
Arson Low FlareR Hyb500 / 500 / 500 Abrl / PH CnS Compound2.480.0200.000
Arson Low Flare SolidR Sol500 Abrl / PH CnS Compound2.480.0200.000
Arson PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0450.000
Bad AssR Sol500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0480.000
Bad IntentionsR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0480.000
Bad Intentions HybridR Hyb500 / 3K Abrl2.480.0480.000
Black Pearl UrethaneUre Prl500 SiaAir2.6500.0150.000
Black Widow 2.0R Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.5000.0580.016
Black Widow 2.0 HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5000.0580.016
Black Widow 3.0R Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.5000.0580.016
Black Widow AssassinR Sol500 / 500 / 500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0580.014
Black Widow Black/GoldR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0580.016
Black Widow Ghost PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5000.0580.016
Black Widow GoldR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0580.016
Black Widow LegendR Hyb500 / 500 / 500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0580.014
Black Widow ManiaR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5000.0580.016
Black Widow PinkR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0580.016
Black Widow Red LegendR Prl500 / 500 / 500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0580.016
Black Widow Red Legend SolidR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.500.0580.016
Black Widow UrethaneUre Sol360 / 500 / 500 Abrl2.500.0580.016
Black Widow Urethane Pink PearlUre Prl360 / 800 SiaAir2.5000.0580.016
Blue HammerUre Sol800 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl2.570.0320.000
Blue VibeR Sol500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0420.000
BrickR Hyb500 / 500 / 1K / 2K Abrl2.500.0520.008
Burgundy HammerR Sol500 / 500 Abrl2.570.0320.000
Cherry VibeR Prl500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0420.000
Cobalt VibeR Prl800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0420.000
Cold BloodR Prl500 / 500 / 1K Abrl/PH CnS Compound2.480.0560.009
Dark LegendR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PH CnS Compound2.500.0580.016
Dark Legend SolidR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.500.0580.016
Dark WebR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5140.0480.000
Dark Web HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.5140.0480.000
Deadly AimR Hyb500 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PH CnS Compound2.490.0540.008
DieselR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.510.0460.000
Diesel TorqueR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.510.0460.000
EffectR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4700.0500.017
Effect TourR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4720.0360.012
EnvyR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5050.0550.021
Envy TourR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.4690.0340.013
Envy Tour PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4690.0340.013
EpidemicR Prl800 / 1K / 2K / 2K / PHFF Polish2.530.0500.013
Extreme EnvyR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4790.0540.022
Fierce PhobiaR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.490.0540.000
First BloodR Hyb500 / 500 / 500 / 1.5K Abrn / PHFF Polish2.480.0560.009
FlawlessR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.520.0410.000
GauntletR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.500.0500.012
Gauntlet FuryR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0500.012
Grape VibeR Prl800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0420.000
Hardcore BrawlR Sol800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 2K Abrl2.560.0450.000
HazmatR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4790.0550.000
Hazmat SolidR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4790.0550.000
InfamousR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.5590.0520.000
InfectionR Prl800 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl2.500.0550.011
NailR Prl800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.550.0420.000
Nail TitaniumR Prl800 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.550.0420.000
NU Blue HammerNot Urethane500 / 1K SiaAir2.5860.0270.000
ObsessionR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4680.0500.013
Obsession TourR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.4690.0340.013
Obsession Tour PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4690.0340.013
Ocean VibeR Prl500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir / Crown Factory Polish2.5100.0420.000
Onyx VibeR Sol500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0420.000
Orange VibeR Sol500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0420.000
PhobiaR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0540.000
PlagueR Hyb500 / 1K / 2K Abrl2.500.0550.000
Pure EnvyR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.5050.0550.021
Purple Solid ReactiveR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5860.0270.000
Radioactive VibeR Sol500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5100.0420.000
RatchetR Hyb800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 3K Abrl2.490.0570.009
Raw Hammer BlackR Sol500 / 1.5K / 3K SiaAir2.5370.0380.000
Raw Hammer Blue/Silver/WhiteR Prl500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir / Crown Factory Polish2.5370.0380.000
Raw Hammer Orange/BlackR Hyb500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5370.0380.000
Raw Hammer Red/Smoke/BlackR Hyb500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5370.0380.000
RebelR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0440.000
Rebel SolidR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0440.000
Rebel YellR Prl500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0440.000
Rhodman PearlR Prl500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0480.000
RhythmR Sol800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 2K Abrl2.480.0450.000
Rip'DR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0540.014
Rip'D PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 3K Abrl2.480.0540.014
Rip'D SolidR Sol500 / 1K / 2K Abrl2.480.0540.014
RuthlessR Sol500 / 1K / 2K Abrl2.520.0410.000
ScandalR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0540.000
Scandal PearlR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0540.000
Scandal/SR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0540.000
ScorpionR Hyb500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.5200.0430.000
Scorpion Low FlareR Hyb500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.4740.0310.000
Scorpion StingR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4850.0450.000
Scorpion StrikeR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4850.0450.000
SpikeR Prl800 Abrn / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.560.0540.000
Spike Black/BlueR Prl500 / 500 / 500 / 1K Abrl / PH CnS Compound2.560.0540.000
Spike Black/GoldR Hyb800 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.560.0540.000
Statement HybridR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.470.0540.015
Statement PearlR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.470.0540.015
Statement SolidR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.470.0540.015
SwaggaR Hyb800 / 1K / 2K Abrl2.500.0600.014
TabooR Sol800 / 1K / 2K / 2K Abrl2.500.0600.016
Taboo Blue/SilverR Prl800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 3K Abrl2.500.0600.016
Taboo Deep PurpleR Prl800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 2K Abrl2.500.0600.016
Taboo Jet BlackR Sol500 / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0600.016
Taboo SparePolyester800 / 800 / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0600.016
The ChalkR Sol500 / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0560.000
The SauceR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.470.0490.000
ViralR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0420.000
Viral HybridR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0420.000
Viral SolidR Sol500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0420.000
WebR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0480.000
Web MBR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4800.0480.018
Web Pearl (2019)R Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0480.000
Web Pearl (2021)R Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4810.0480.000
Web Tour EditionR Sol360 / 1K Abrl2.470.0300.000
WrenchR Prl800 Abrn / 1K /2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0520.008
AltitudeR Sol4K Grit Matte2.480.0520.000
BurnerR Sol1.5K Grit Polished2.5460.0540.000
Maximum AltitudeR Prl2K Grit Polished2.480.0520.000
PilotR Prl2K Grit Polished2.600.0300.000
Raider-XR Hyb2K Grit Polished2.5300.0520.000
TurbulenceR Prl4K Grit Polished2.500.0540.016
Black PantherR Sol2K Abrl2.460.0430.000
Bloody PantherR Hyb6421 Compound x22.460.0430.000
Boom'R-AngR Prl6421 Compound 2x Polished2.530.0400.000
Buzzbomb CarnageR Sol4K Abrl2.4870.0520.000
Chainsaw S.O.S.R PrlHighly Polished2.530.0130.000
CrankP PrlnEat2.4930.0530.007
DroidR Sol2K Abrl2.5210.0450.012
Gemstone Silver/GarnetR Hyb2K Grit Polished2.6520.0420.000
GrindR SolnEat2.4790.0520.000
Grind/RR Prl400 Grit Polished2.4970.0520.000
Maxxx CurveP Prl20 Micron2.510.0550.008
Pearl DroidR PrlPolished2.5210.0450.012
Pearl PantherR Prl6421 2x Compound2.460.0430.000
Pink PantherR Sol6421 Compound 2x Polished2.4930.0430.000
RipsawR SolneaT2.5950.0450.000
Stealth BomberR HybnEat2.480.0500.027
Stealth Bomber PearlR PrlneaT2.480.0500.027
Time Bomb Black FireP Sol6421 Compound 2X2.570.0550.000
Black Diamond Particle PearlP Prl1K Grit Sheen2.560.0550.000
High Standard 2.0P PrlPolished2.5660.0450.000
Power StrikeR Sol2K Abrl2.570.0410.000
Terminator RageR Hyb1K Abrl2.5830.0350.000
The Black Pearl Bloody OceanR Prl4K Grit Sanded2.5780.0510.013
The Buzz LegendR Prl2K Abrl Polished2.5490.0310.000
The Buzz Premium EditionR Hyb1200 Grit Sheen2.5490.0310.000
Yeah BabyR SolFactory Sheen2.5750.0470.000
Exodus G1R Sol4K Abrl2.5220.0550.000
Exodus G2R Sol1K Abrl Polished2.5440.0560.000
KnightR Sol2K Abrl2.4970.0570.000
Old SchoolUre Sol800 Sheen2.6020.0300.000
Top TalentR Sol2K Abrl / Factory Polish2.5240.0440.000
DestroyRR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.5160.0500.016
Perpetual MotionR Prl500 / 1K / Rough Buff2.470.0540.000
RipRR Prl4K SiaAir2.540.0420.013
2 CruelR Hyb4K Abrl2.550.0530.018
Alpha JackalR Sol2K Grit LSS2.470.0540.015
Ascent ApexR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.590.0250.000
Ascent Apex Pink/Green PearlR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.590.0250.000
Ascent PearlR Prl2K Wet Sand / Power Gel Polish2.590.0250.000
Ascent SolidR Sol1K Grit Wet Sand2.590.0250.000
Black VenomR Sol4K Grit LSS2.470.0360.013
Blue Coral VenomR Hyb4K Grit LSS2.470.0360.013
Blue TankMicrocell Polymer1K Grit LSS2.590.0230.000
Carbide TankMicrocell Polymer1K Grit LSS2.480.0340.000
Chronic ParanoiaR Sol4K Grit LSS2.530.0470.000
Combat TankUre Hyb3K Grit LSS2.590.0250.000
Covert RevoltR Sol3K Grit Sanded2.470.0560.000
Covert TankMicrocell Polymer2K Grit LSS2.500.0510.000
Crimson JackalR Prl5000 Grit LSS2.470.0540.015
Cruel C51R Hyb2K Grit Wet Sand2.480.0600.030
Cruel C51 LER Prl2K Grit Wet Sand2.480.0600.030
Cruel IntentR Prl4K Grit Sanded2.550.0530.018
Desert TankMicrocell Polymer2K Grit LSS2.570.0150.000
EvokeR Sol2K Grit LSS2.480.0500.015
Fatal VenomR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.480.0340.000
ForgeR Sol3K Grit LSS2.470.0550.000
Forge EmberR Hyb2K Grit LSS2.470.0550.000
Forge FireR Hyb4K Grit LSS2.470.0550.000
Forge FlareR Sol2K Grit LSS2.470.0550.000
ForzaR Sol3K Grit LSS2.500.0510.000
Forza GTR Hyb4K Grit LSS2.500.0510.000
Forza RedlineR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.500.0510.000
Forza SSR Sol3K Grit LSS2.470.0470.000
Freestyle R Prl5500 Grit LSP2.590.0250.000
Freestyle RushR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.600.0300.000
Golden JackalR Prl4K Grit LSS2.470.0550.019
Graffiti TagR Sol5500 Grit LSP2.550.0370.000
HydraR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.550.0370.000
Hyper VenomR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.480.0340.000
Iron ForgeR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.470.0550.000
JackalR Prl3K Grit LSS2.460.0600.015
Jackal AmbushR Sol1K Grit LSS2.470.0540.015
Jackal CarnageR Sol3K Grit LSS2.460.0600.015
Jackal FlashR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.470.0540.015
Jackal GhostR Sol3K Grit LSS2.470.0540.015
Jackal LegacyR Sol2K Grit LSS2.470.0540.015
Jackal OnyxR Sol1K Grit LSS2.470.0540.015
Jackal RisingR Sol2K Grit LSS2.470.0550.019
Lethal ParanoiaR Hyb5500 Grit LSP2.530.0470.000
Lethal VenomR Sol3K Grit LSS2.470.0360.013
Max Thrill PearlR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.550.0370.000
Max Thrill SolidR Sol5000 Grit LSS2.550.0370.000
Mythic JackalR Hyb5000 Grit LSP2.470.0540.015
Nuclear ForgeR Prl5000 Grit LSS2.470.0550.000
OctaneR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.550.0430.000
Octane BurnR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.550.0430.000
Octane CarbonR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.560.0420.000
ParanoiaR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.530.0470.000
PrideR Sol4K Grit LSS2.500.0420.010
Pride DynastyR Sol2K Grit LSS2.500.0420.010
Pride EmpireR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.500.0420.010
Pride LibertyR Hyb4K Grit LSS2.500.0420.010
Primal FearR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.550.0500.000
Primal ImpulseR Prl2K Grit Polished2.600.0500.000
Primal RageR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0500.000
Primal Rage EvolutionR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.550.0500.000
Primal Rage RemixR Hyb4K Grit LSS2.550.0500.000
Primal ScreamR Sol4K Grit Sanded2.550.0500.000
Primal ShockR Sol4K Grit LSS2.550.0500.000
Primal TV4R Prl2K Wet Sand / Power Gel Polish2.540.0520.000
Purple TankUre Sol1K Grit LSS2.570.0150.000
Quadfire QZ2 BackdraftR Hyb2K Abrl/Power Gel Polish2.550.0430.000
QZ2R Prl4K Wet Sand / Power Gel Polish2.550.0430.000
Raptor AttackR Prl2K Grit Polished2.460.0600.015
Raptor FuryR Sol2K Grit LSS2.480.0550.000
Raptor P7R Sol4K Grit Wet Sand2.460.0600.015
Raptor RushR Prl5000 Grit LSS2.480.0550.000
Raptor TalonR Sol2K Wet Sand2.460.0600.015
Rebel TankUre Prl4K Grit LSS2.550.0370.000
Recon RX1 SilverR Prl4K Wet Sand / Power Gel Polish2.590.0250.000
Revolt HavocR Sol3K Grit LSS2.470.0560.000
Revolt VengeanceR Hyb5000 Grit LSP2.470.0560.000
RipcordR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.530.0470.000
Ripcord FlightR Sol3K Grit LSS2.530.0470.000
Ripcord LaunchR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.510.0480.000
Ripcord VelocityR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.530.0470.000
Rogue AssassinR Sol3K Grit LSS2.470.0470.000
Rogue BladeR Sol4K Grit LSS2.470.0470.000
Sigma HybridR Hyb1K Grit Wet Sand2.470.0470.000
Sigma StingR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.470.0470.000
Sigma TourR Sol2K Grit Wet Sand2.470.0440.000
Sky RaptorR Prl5000 Grit LSS2.480.0550.000
Subzero ForgeR Sol2K Grit LSS2.470.0550.000
SupraR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.570.0500.000
Supra EnzoR Hyb5500 Grit LSP2.570.0500.000
Supra GTR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.570.0400.000
Supra RallyR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.570.0400.000
T10R Sol3K Grit LSS2.540.0520.000
Tag CannonR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.550.0370.000
TankUre Sol2K Grit Sanded2.480.0340.000
Tank BlitzMicrocell Polymer2K Grit LSS2.480.0340.000
Tank RampageUre Sol3K Grit LSS2.550.0200.000
Tank Rampage PearlMicrocell Polymer1K Grit LSS2.550.0200.000
Tank YellowjacketMicrocell Polymer1K Grit LSS2.570.0150.000
ThrashR Sol1K Abrl2.550.0430.000
Thrash FrenzyR Prl2K Wet Sand / Power Gel Polish2.550.0430.000
ThrillR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.570.0150.000
Top Thrill HybridR Hyb5500 Grit LSP2.590.0230.000
Top Thrill SolidR Sol4K Grit LSS2.590.0230.000
TribalR Prl2K grit / Power Gel polish2.550.0370.000
Tribal FireR Hyb5000 Grit LSP2.550.0370.000
TridentR Hyb3K Grit LSS2.490.0540.017
Trident AbyssR Sol2K Grit LSS2.490.0540.017
Trident HorizonR Hyb4K Grit LSS2.520.0490.013
Trident NemesisR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.520.0490.013
Trident OdysseyR Sol2K Grit LSS2.490.0540.017
Trident QuestR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.490.0540.017
United RevoltR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.470.0560.000
Venom CobraR Hyb5500 Grit LSP2.470.0340.000
Venom PanicR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.480.0340.000
Venom RecoilR Sol4K Grit LSS2.470.0360.013
Venom ShockR Sol4K Grit Sanded2.480.0340.000
Venom Shock PearlR Prl5500 Grit LSP2.470.0350.000
Venom StrikeR Sol3K Wet Sand2.480.0340.000
Venom ToxinR Hyb2K Grit / Power Gel Polish2.480.0340.000
VillainR Sol3K Grit LSS2.540.0510.018
Villain ScornR Prl5000 Grit LSP2.540.0510.018
ExothermicR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5390.0500.000
Exothermic BurstR Prl500 / 4K SiaAir2.4870.0500.000
StrifeR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4800.0560.017
Beyond RidiculousR Sol500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5410.0500.000
Beyond Ridiculous PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5410.0500.000
BigfootR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4680.0530.000
Bigfoot HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4680.0530.000
BreakawayR Sol500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5280.0410.000
CashR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5040.0480.020
ConspiracyR Sol500 / 3K SiaAir2.4870.0560.021
Conspiracy HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 3K SiaAir2.4870.0560.021
Conspiracy PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound / Crown Factory Polish2.4870.0560.021
Conspiracy SchemeR Sol500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4870.0560.021
Conspiracy TheoryR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4900.0540.023
Counter Attack PearlR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Polish2.5750.0230.000
Counter Attack SolidR Sol500 / 1K / 3K SiaAir2.5750.0230.000
CryptoR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4810.0460.000
Crypto BoomR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4810.0460.000
CyclopsR Hyb500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5380.0480.000
Cyclops PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5380.0480.000
Deadly RattlerR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4800.0350.000
Double CrossUre Prl500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5280.0350.000
Grease MonkeyR Hyb500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5400.0480.000
Grease Monkey PowR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5400.0480.000
Grease Monkey WhackR Hyb500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5400.0480.000
GuruR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5010.0440.018
Guru MasterR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5010.0440.018
Guru MightyR Hyb500 / 4K SiaAir2.5010.0440.018
Guru Pearl Limited R Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5010.0440.018
IncognitoR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.4870.0530.017
Incognito PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4870.0530.017
InformerR Sol500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir2.4770.0510.019
Innovator R Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4770.0530.012
Innovator SolidR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4770.0530.012
IntelR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.4830.0350.000
Intel PearlR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4830.0350.000
Intel Pearl Special EditionR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4830.0350.000
JackpotR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5170.0560.000
Jackpot SolidR Sol500 / 4K SiaAir2.5170.0560.000
KatanaR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5030.0500.020
Katana AssaultR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5010.0510.020
Katana DragonR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.5030.0500.020
Katana LegendR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5030.0500.020
Katana SlashR Hyb500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5030.0500.020
Katana StrikeR Hyb500 / 1.5K / 3K SiaAir2.5010.0510.020
LudicrousR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5350.0500.012
Ludicrous SolidR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5350.0500.012
Max BiasR Hyb500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4940.0500.030
Maximum ResultsR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4940.0500.030
More CashR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5040.0480.020
No DoubtR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4850.0510.000
Outer LimitsR Hyb500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.4990.0510.014
Outer Limits PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4990.0510.014
Outer Limits SolidR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4990.0510.014
PaybackR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir2.5280.0410.000
Primo SolidR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4830.0480.000
Quick FixR Sol500 / 4K SiaAir2.5110.0540.007
Radical ConspiracyR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4870.0560.021
RattlerR Sol500 / 1.5K / 4K SiaAir2.4800.0350.000
Rattler Big BiteR Hyb500 / 1.5K / 3K SiaAir2.4800.0350.000
Rattler NUNot Urethane500 / 1K SiaAir2.4800.0350.000
Rave OnR Hyb500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5220.0490.000
ReaxR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4920.0540.013
Reax GustoR Hyb500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5360.0380.013
Reax PearlR Prl500 / 4K SiaAir2.490.0540.013
Reax Version 2R Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.500.0480.016
Reax Version 2 PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5080.0480.016
ResultsR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5170.0440.027
Results PlusR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5170.0440.027
Results SolidR Sol500 / 3K SiaAir2.5170.0440.027
Ridiculous AsymR Sol500 / 4K SiaAir2.5380.0500.012
Ridiculous PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5400.0500.000
ScoreR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.4920.0540.013
SizzleR Sol500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5410.0500.000
SlantR PrlPolished2.470.0450.025
Slant HDR Prl1.5K Abrl Polished2.570.0540.025
Slant HybridR HybPolished2.470.0450.025
Slant SolidR SolDull2.470.0450.025
SnapshotR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5230.0500.000
Sneak AttackR Hyb500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir / Crown Factory Polish2.5440.0360.000
Sneak Attack SolidR Sol500 / 1.5K / 3K SiaAir2.5440.0360.000
SquatchR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound / Crown Factory Polish2.4820.0540.000
Squatch HybridR Hyb500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound / Crown Factory Polish2.4820.0540.000
Squatch SolidR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.4820.0540.000
The CloserR Sol500 / 3K SiaAir2.5400.0500.000
The Closer PearlR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5400.0500.000
The FixR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5110.0540.007
The HitterR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.4880.0530.015
The Hitter PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4880.0530.015
Time's UpR PrlPolished2.5330.0410.000
Time's Up SolidR Sol4K Abrl2.5330.0410.000
TorridR PrlPolished2.460.0480.000
Torrid AffairR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss2.480.0470.000
Torrid EliteR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.480.0470.000
Trail BlazerR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4840.0520.020
Trail Blazer SolidR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4840.0520.020
TremendousR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5010.0440.018
Tremendous PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5010.0440.018
XenoR Sol500 / 4K SiaAir2.5080.0480.016
Xeno PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5080.0480.016
YetiR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.4820.0540.000
Yeti UncagedR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.4820.0540.000
Yeti UnleashedR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4820.0540.000
Yeti UntamedR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Polish2.480.0540.000
ZigZagR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5010.0450.015
ZigZag SolidR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5010.0450.015
ZingR Sol500 / 1K / 3K SiaAir2.4990.0510.020
Zing HybridR Hyb500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4990.0510.020
All-Out Show OffR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0450.000
AsylumR Hyb3K Grit Sanded2.500.0430.000
Attention StarR PrlReacta Gloss2.480.0490.017
Attention Star S2R Hyb2K Abrl2.480.0490.017
BanditR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0480.000
BerserkR Hyb4K Abrl2.570.0480.000
CloneR SolReacta Gloss2.510.0560.016
CriticalR Hyb3K Grit Pad2.490.0580.013
Critical TheoryR Prl4K Abrl2.490.0580.013
Dare Devil R Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0410.000
Dare Devil DangerR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0410.000
Dare Devil TrickR Sol2K Grit Pad2.480.0410.000
DefiantR Sol3K Abrl2.490.0540.017
Defiant EdgeR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0540.017
Defiant SoulR Hyb4K Abrl2.490.0540.017
DerangedR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.500.0430.000
DevourR Sol3K Grit Pad2.560.0340.000
DisturbedR Sol2K Abrl2.500.0430.000
DuoR PrlReacta Gloss2.490.0460.000
Eternal CellR Sol1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0560.018
Exotic GemR PrlReacta Gloss2.470.0530.016
GemR Sol2K Abrl2.470.0530.016
HaloR Sol2K Grit Pad2.490.0500.018
Halo PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0500.018
Halo VisionR Hyb4K Grit Pad2.490.0500.018
HaywireR Sol2K Grit Pad2.500.0430.000
HecticR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.560.0340.000
Hot CellUre Sol1K Grit Pad2.520.0560.018
Hustle P/O/WR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.530.0300.000
Hustle P/R/OR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.530.0300.000
Hustle R/I/GR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.530.0300.000
Hustle S/A/YR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.530.0300.000
Hy-WireR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.500.0430.000
Hyped HybridR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0360.000
Hyped PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0360.000
Hyped SolidR Sol3K Abrl2.520.0360.000
Hyper CellR Sol2K Grit Pad2.520.0560.018
Hyper Cell FusedR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0560.018
Hyper Cell SkidR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0560.018
HysteriaR Sol1.5K Grit Polished2.580.0490.000
IdolR Sol2K Grit Pad2.490.0520.000
Idol CosmosR Prl4K Abrl2.490.0520.000
Idol HeliosR Sol2K Abrl2.490.0520.000
Idol PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0520.000
Idol ProR Sol3K Grit Sheen2.490.0520.000
Idol SynergyR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0520.000
Infinite TheoryR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0580.013
Loco PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0250.000
Loco SolidR Sol1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0250.000
Magic GemR Hyb2K Abrl2.470.0530.016
MenaceR Sol3K Grit Pad2.520.0540.015
MVPR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0400.000
MVP AttitudeR Hyb3K Grit Pad2.550.0400.000
MVP PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0400.000
No RulesR Sol2K Grit Pad2.510.0530.018
No Rules ExistR Sol2K Grit Pad2.510.0530.018
No Rules PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.510.0530.018
Nomad DaggerR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0540.000
Nuclear CellR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0560.018
Optimum IdolR Sol2K Abrl2.470.0560.000
Optimum Idol PearlR PrlReacta Gloss2.470.0560.000
OutcryR Hyb4K Grit Pad2.550.0300.000
OutlawR Sol2K Abrl2.570.0480.000
Rising StarR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0420.000
RockstarR Sol2K Abrl2.480.0500.000
RST X-1R Hyb3K Abrl2.530.0530.016
RST X-2R Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.530.0530.016
RST X-3R Hyb4K - Fast2.530.0530.016
RubiconR Sol3K Grit Pad2.490.0520.011
Rubicon UC2R Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0520.011
Rubicon UC3Ure Prl1K Abrl2.490.0520.011
Scream (2012)R Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0220.000
Scream (2013)R Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0220.000
Scream (2014)R Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0220.000
ShatterR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0420.000
Shooting StarR Sol2K Abrl2.550.0420.000
Shout (2012)R Sol1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0220.000
Shout (2013)R Sol3K Abrl2.570.0220.000
Shout (2014)R Sol1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0220.000
Show OffR Sol2K Grit Pad2.550.0450.000
SinisterR Hyb4K Grit Pad2.520.0540.015
TheoryR Sol2K Abrl2.490.0580.013
TNTR Sol2K Abrl2.470.0520.000
TNT InfusedR HybReacta Gloss2.470.0520.000
Totally DefiantR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0540.017
Tour Dynam-XR Sol2K Abrl2.470.0260.010
UFOR Sol2K Grit Pad2.520.0540.016
UFO AlertR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0540.016
UnhingedR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.580.0490.000
UproarR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0300.000
Wild StreakR Sol3K Grit Pad2.600.0480.000
WinnerR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.540.0540.000
Winner SolidR Sol3K Grit Pad2.540.0540.000
Wreck-EmR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0420.000
Wreck-ItR Hyb3K Grit Pad2.550.0420.000
WreckerR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0420.000
X-CellR Sol2K Abrl2.500.0560.019
Aftermath PearlR PrlPolished2.480.0540.016
DesperadoUre Prl4K Abrl Polished2.5560.0340.011
DominionR Hyb4K Abrl2.5080.0450.015
EuphoriaR PrlPolished2.550.0540.000
Raging BullR Sol2K Abrl2.4950.0550.020
Raging Bull ChargedR PrlPolished2.4950.0550.020
Raging Bull Long HornR PrlPolished2.530.0450.017
Raging Bull StampedeR Sol2K Abrl2.490.0540.020
Solaris BlackoutR SolBlack2.4860.0350.000
Solaris Platinum EditionR Prl2K Grit Polished2.480.0480.000
VenatorR Sol4K Grit Polished 2.4850.0540.027
2FastR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.530.0440.000
2FuriousR Sol2K Abrl2.530.0440.000
AbsoluteR HybReacta Gloss2.480.0500.021
Absolute PowerR Sol4K Abrl2.480.0500.021
All-RoadR Hyb4K Abrl2.570.0460.000
Alpha CruxR Sol2K Abrl2.500.0520.017
AnarchyR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0540.017
AstroPhysiXR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0530.017
AxiomR Sol3K Abrl2.480.0500.000
Axiom PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0500.000
ByteR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0430.020
Code BlackR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.500.0580.020
Code RedR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.500.0580.020
Code XR Sol3K Abrl2.500.0580.020
CrossroadR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.560.0520.000
CruxR Hyb3K Grit Pad2.500.0520.017
Crux PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.500.0520.017
Crux PrimeR Sol2K Abrl2.500.0520.017
Dark CodeR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.500.0580.020
DNAR Sol2K Abrl2.470.0530.023
DNA CoilR PrlReacta Gloss2.470.0530.023
DriveR Hyb3K Abrl2.570.0500.000
EquinoXR PrlPower Edge2.480.0540.018
Fast PitchUre Sol1K Abrl2.610.0300.000
FateR PrlReacta Gloss2.520.0530.000
Fever PitchUre Prl2K Abrl2.610.0300.000
FightR Sol3K Grit Abrl2.620.0430.000
Fire RoadR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.560.0520.000
FranticR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.530.0450.000
Freak’n FranticR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.530.0450.000
FringeR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.530.0450.000
Gravity EvolveR Sol2K Abrl2.480.0520.020
Hy-RoadR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0460.000
Hy-Road MaxR Sol3K Abrl2.570.0460.000
Hy-Road NanoR Sol2K Abrl2.570.0460.000
Hy-Road PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0460.000
Hy-Road SolidR Sol2K Grit Sanded2.570.0460.000
Hy-Road XR Sol1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0460.000
InciteR Hyb3K Abrl2.500.0530.013
Infinite PhysiXR Prl4K Abrl2.480.0530.017
IntenseR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0500.017
Intense FireR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0500.017
Ion MaxR Sol2K Abrl2.470.0550.014
Ion ProR Hyb4K Abrl2.470.0350.014
IQR Sol3K Abrl2.480.0500.000
IQ TourR Sol4K Abrl2.490.0290.000
IQ Tour 30R Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0290.000
IQ Tour 78/UUre Sol500 Abrl2.490.0290.000
IQ Tour EmeraldR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0290.000
IQ Tour FusionR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0290.000
IQ Tour NanoR Sol4K Grit Pad2.490.0290.000
IQ Tour Nano PearlR Prl3K Abrl2.490.0290.000
IQ Tour PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.490.0290.000
IQ Tour RubyR PrlReacta Gloss2.490.0290.000
JourneyR PrlReacta Gloss2.520.0530.000
Joy RideR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.580.0210.000
LevelR Sol1K Abrl2.590.0270.000
Lightning BlackoutR PrlReacta Gloss2.530.0290.000
Lights OutR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0380.000
LockR Hyb3K Abrl2.480.0540.018
LucidR Prl4K Abrl2.480.0500.017
Major 52R Hyb1K Abrl2.490.0580.019
ManicR Sol4K Abrl2.530.0450.000
MarvelR Sol2K Abrl2.480.0520.000
Marvel PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0500.000
Marvel-SR Sol3K Abrl2.480.0500.000
MatchR Sol2K Abrl2.550.0300.000
Match PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0300.000
Match Up PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0350.000
Match Up SolidR Sol1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0350.000
Modern MarvelR Hyb4K Abrl2.480.0500.000
Natural PearlUre Prl4K Abrl2.530.0400.000
Night RoadR Prl4K - Fast2.570.0460.000
NovaR Hyb3K Abrl2.490.0520.019
Omega CruxR Prl3K Abrl2.500.0520.017
OptimusR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0480.000
Optimus SolidR Sol2K Grit Pad2.480.0480.000
ParallaxR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0540.019
Parallax EffectR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0540.019
PhazeR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0510.000
Phaze 4R Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0510.000
Phaze AIR PrlPower Edge2.470.0530.000
Phaze IIR Sol3K Abrl2.480.0510.000
Phaze IIIR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0510.000
Phaze VR PrlReacta Gloss2.480.0510.000
PhysiXR Hyb3K Abrl2.480.0530.017
PhysiX BlackoutR Prl2K Abrl2.470.0550.018
Pitch BlackUre Sol1K Grit Sanded2.570.0220.000
Pitch BlueUre Prl2K Abrl2.570.0220.000
Pitch PurpleUre Sol1K Abrl2.570.0220.000
Polar IceUre Hyb3500 Grit Polished2.690.0060.000
Pro-MotionR Sol2K Abrl2.520.0490.000
Proton PhysiXR Sol2K Abrl2.480.0530.017
Punch OutR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0380.000
Reign of PowerR Sol1K Abrl2.570.0480.000
Reign OnR Hyb4K Abrl2.570.0480.000
Reign SupremeR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0520.000
RevenantR PrlReacta Gloss2.540.0500.000
RideR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.580.0210.000
Road WarriorR PrlPower Edge2.550.0450.000
RocketR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.540.0460.000
Rocket ShipR Sol3K Grit Sheen2.540.0460.000
Sky RocketR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.540.0460.000
Snap LockR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0540.018
SonIQR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.470.0470.000
SpectreR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.540.0500.000
Street FightR Prl3K Grit Sheen2.620.0430.000
SummitR Hyb3K Abrl2.460.0560.000
Summit AscentR Sol4K Abrl2.460.0560.000
Summit PeakR PrlReacta Gloss2.460.0560.000
Super NaturalUre Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.550.0380.000
Super NovaR Sol2K Abrl2.490.0520.019
Super SonIQR Hyb3K Abrl2.470.0470.000
Sure LockR Sol2K Abrl2.480.0540.018
SyncR Sol4K Abrl2.470.0580.028
The RoadR HybReacta Gloss2.550.0450.000
TimelessR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0500.000
TorrentR Sol2K Abrl2.560.0440.000
TrendR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.520.0490.000
Trend 2R Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.540.0410.000
Tropical BreezeR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0090.000
Tropical Breeze Black/CherryR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.570.0090.000
Tropical Heat Black/PurpleR Hyb4K Abrl2.550.0380.000
Victory RoadR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.530.0550.000
Victory Road SolidR Sol3K Abrl2.560.0520.000
Virtual Energy BlackoutR PrlReacta Gloss2.480.0520.020
Virtual Gravity NanoR Sol4K Abrl2.480.0520.020
Virtual Gravity Nano PearlR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.480.0520.020
VividR Sol2K Abrl2.520.0500.017
Wipe OutR Sol3K Grit Sanded2.550.0380.000
Wise ManR Prl2K grit polish2.580.0540.000
Zero GravityR Sol4K Grit Pad2.550.0370.010
Graffiti I-ConR Hyb4K Sanded2.4940.0510.032
300AR Prl800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.570.0290.000
300CR Prl500 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.550.0250.000
300C SolidR Sol800 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.560.0550.000
300TR Sol800 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl2.550.0250.000
400A Special EditionR Prl500 / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.580.0550.000
503AR Prl800 / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0570.003
503CR Prl800 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0510.003
503TR Sol800 Abrn / 1K / 2K Abrl2.510.0570.003
505C2R Prl800 / 1K /2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0380.005
508AR Prl500 / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.520.0490.008
706AR Prl800 Abrn / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.520.0530.006
706C/AR Hyb500 Abrl / 1.5K Abrn Soft / PHFF Polish2.520.0530.006
706TR Sol800 / 1K / 2K / 2K Abrl2.520.0530.007
714CR Sol800 Abrn / 1K / 2K / 3K Abrl2.520.0520.014
715TR Sol500 / 1K / 2K Abrl2.520.0520.015
716CR Sol500 / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.510.0570.016
716TR Sol500 / 1K / 2K Abrl2.510.0570.016
718AR Prl800 / 1K / 2K / 2K Abrl / Polish2.500.0580.018
811A Special EditionR Prl500 / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0460.011
811C/TR Hyb800 / 1K / 2K / 4K Abrl2.500.0460.011
910AR Prl500 Abrl / 1.5K Abrn Soft / PHFF Polish2.500.0490.010
912TR Sol1.5K Abrn Soft2.500.0460.012
916 All TerrainR Sol500 / 1K / 2K / 2K Abrl2.530.0550.016
919CR Sol500 / 1K / 2K / 3K Abrl2.530.0490.019
AliasR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.490.0540.013
ArchetypeR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5180.0530.020
Archetype HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5180.0530.020
CriterionR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5000.0520.018
Criterion HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5000.0520.018
CyborgR Hyb500 / 3K Abrl2.480.0430.007
Cyborg PearlR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0430.007
CypherR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.5400.0470.000
Heat (2015)R Prl500 / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0380.000
Heat (2021)R Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.5000.0380.000
Heat LavaR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0380.000
Heat X-TremeR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.500.0380.000
Hx05R Prl500 / 1K PHFF Polish2.490.0380.005
Hx10R Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0490.010
Hx16R Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0530.016
In2itionR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0540.015
Kinetic AmethystR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0380.005
Kinetic Black IceR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4800.0400.006
Kinetic CobaltR Hyb500 / 1.5K / 4K SiaAir2.4800.0400.006
Kinetic EmeraldR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0380.005
Kinetic ObsidianR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.490.0380.005
Kinetic RubyR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.490.0380.005
LegionR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0460.011
Legion PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5000.0460.011
Legion Solid (2015)R Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.500.0460.011
Legion Solid (2022)R Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5000.0460.011
LogixR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0460.011
Lx05R Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.490.0380.005
Lx10R Sol500 / 3K Abrl2.500.049.010
Lx16R Prl800 / 1K / 2K / 3K Abrl2.490.0530.016
MakoR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0530.014
Mako AttackR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0530.014
Mx05R Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0380.005
Mx10R Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0490.010
Mx16R Hyb500 / 3K Abrl2.490.0530.016
ParadoxR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0570.015
Paradox BlackR Hyb500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0570.015
Paradox PearlR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PH CnS Compound2.480.0570.015
Paradox RedR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.480.0570.015
Paradox Trilogy R Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0570.015
Paradox VR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.480.0570.015
ParagonR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4860.0560.015
Paragon HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4860.0560.015
Paragon PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4860.0560.015
PrecisionR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0540.020
Precision SolidR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.490.0540.020
Proof HybridR Hyb500 / 3K SiaAir2.5190.0520.020
SensorR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4900.0340.000
Sensor SolidR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4900.0340.000
StealthR Sol500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir2.4820.0560.000
Stealth HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4820.0560.000
Stealth ModeR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4820.0560.000
Stealth PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4820.0560.000
StrataR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.4750.0500.017
Strata HybridR Hyb500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound / Crown Factory Polish2.4750.0500.017
TactixR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.490.0510.010
Tactix HybridR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.490.0510.010
TheoremR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4730.0460.017
Theorem PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.4730.0460.017
Tour SiCR Sol500 / 3K Abrl2.590.0320.000
Tour XR Prl500 / 800 / 1K / 2K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.580.0550.000
Tour X SolidR Sol500 / 3K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.580.0550.000
Triton EliteR Sol500 / 2K Abrl2.510.0460.000
TundraR Prl500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.570.0290.000
Tundra Blue FireR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Factory Compound2.5610.0300.000
Tundra FireR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5610.0300.000
Tundra SolidR Sol500 / 1K / 3K Abrl2.570.0290.000
Ultra HeatR Hyb500 / 1K Abrl / PHFF Polish2.500.0380.000
Mixed Breed CrossoverR Hyb2K Abrl2.560.0450.010
SamuraiR Prl1.5K Grit Polished2.510.0500.007
The ClassicR Hyb1.5K Grit Polished2.510.0520.000
Warlock XVR Sol2K Abrl2.570.0380.000
Warlock XV PearlR PrlPolished2.570.0380.000