Bowler Ratings


Bowler ratings are from 1 to 10 in order of Stroker (ST), Tweener (TW), Cranker (CR)

Note: Ratings are only available to our premium members.

General Info

Name:Paragon Hybrid
Reviewed:August 2022
Coverstock Specs
Name:QR-11 Hybrid
Type:Reactive Hybrid
Box Finish:500 / 1000 / 1500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound
Color:Grape / Amethyst / Sapphire
Core Specs
Name:I-Core 3.0
Int. Diff:0.015

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The Paragon Hybrid uses the same asymmetrical I-Core 3.0 design that was found in the original Paragon, wrapped in the QR-11 Hybrid coverstock. It comes out of the box at 500/1000/1500 SiaAir plus Crown Factory Compound, giving it a glossier look and more length than its sanded counterpart. This combination provided a lot of versatility for our testers, with more back end movement than both the solid Paragon and the Stealth.

Stroker had plenty of angularity and motion from the Paragon Hybrid on the fresh medium oil pattern. The strong move he saw at the back end allowed him to start a little farther left with his feet and open his angles more through the front. He had no trouble getting the ball started and was very impressed with how much recovery he had downlane, watching the 6 pin lean on the 10 on shots that weren’t his best. Transition was no problem, as he made simple 1-and-1 moves left as the ball crept high. The Paragon Hybrid provided more continuation than the Heat, Stealth, or Paragon while letting him play farther inside than the Kinetic Black Ice or Legion Pearl. Even though his reaction was the least impressive out of the three bowlers on the heavy oil pattern, the Paragon Hybrid was still a pretty good option for Stroker. He needed to be straighter through the front than the other two bowlers in order to carry, but he could get the ball started in the midlane and strike with tight angles. His reaction improved as more

Additional Track Paragon Hybrid Resources

Click here to visit Track's website to read the manufacturer-supplied information on this ball. Also, see below for the manufacturer-produced promotional video for this ball.

Please remember that our reviews are solely based on our own testing and that you may sometimes find differences between our comments and ratings and the manufacturer's claims. Links to these manufacturer resources are provided here strictly for convenience purposes.

The BTM Ball Testing Team

About The BTM Ball Testing Team

Bowling This Month's ball testing team is led by Eric Martinez. Our team of three testers has reviewed well over 1,000 bowling balls for Bowling This Month. In addition to leading BTM's ball testing efforts, Eric owns and operates University Pro Shop in San Antonio, TX, and he is an avid competitive bowler. Learn more about our bowling ball testing and review process here.