Bowler Ratings


Bowler ratings are from 1 to 10 in order of Stroker (ST), Tweener (TW), Cranker (CR)

General Info

Name:Sigma Tour
Reviewed:October 2011
Coverstock Specs
Name:Atomix Reactive
Type:Reactive Solid
Box Finish:2000 Grit Wet Sand
Core Specs
Int. Diff:0.000

For details on our standard test layouts, please click here.

The Sigma Tour offers a new cover and new core for Motiv. The cover is a 2000 grit wet sanded solid version of what Motiv calls Atomix Reactive. This cover creates a stronger read of the midlane than the MOTIVator shell which was used on the QZ2 Backdraft.

The overall hook potential of the Sigma Tour matched up best with our medium pattern, which is similar to most typical house shots across the country. The length allowed the Sigma Tour to waste virtually no energy in the front of the lane. It picked up the midlane and made its strongest move at the breakpoint. All three testers were able to play this pattern with no difficulty. Cranker had the best overall reaction. His hitting power and carry were never in jeopardy, even after this pattern went through its transitions and breakdown. Slower ball speeds may want to use layouts that place the pin farther away from the PAP so they will be able to stay with the Sigma Tour for an entire league session. Stronger layouts will be fine to start, but might start using too much energy during later games.

The next best reaction we had was on the heavy test pattern. We needed more surface on the shell of the Sigma Tour because of how clean this ball is through the front of the lane. We went to 1000 grit wet sand on the test balls to open up our area on the lane. With a little move to the right with our feet all three testers could get to the pocket.

Moving to the dry test pattern, we needed to add polish to get the Sigma Tour down the lane. Our standard layouts worked for a short period of time, but really limited our usage on this pattern. The Sigma Tour would have performed better with much weaker layouts on this condition.

The smoothness and predictability of the Sigma Tour matched up fairly well on our sport pattern. Slight surface adjustments will be needed on this type of pattern if there is more or less volume than our pattern. Stroker needed only a light scuff with 1000 grit wet sand. This adjustment did the job on this pattern. The light scuff allowed the ball to burn off just enough energy and tamed down the breakpoint allowing him to hit the pocket with the same success as Tweener and Cranker.

Performance Ratings

This ball offers a strong motion that is not a snap type reaction downlane. The strong motion is in the correct part of the lane to smooth out any potential over/under reaction.
The length of the Sigma Tour fits under the Raptor and Primal, and above the Recon. It is perfectly suited for anything between medium light and medium heavy patterns.
Back End15
The Sigma Tour makes a strong arcing motion in the back end of the lane. The Atomix Reactive coverstock really blends out the lane regardless of the oil pattern.
Total Hook51
The total hook amount makes the Sigma Tour the perfect benchmark ball for Motiv. It is just the right combination of power and control.


The versatility of the Sigma Tour is its biggest strength. When we shined them up we could strike on the dry, when we scuffed them we could strike on the oil, and out of the box it matched up with medium test pattern.


Only the surface finish will handicap the bowler’s ability to use the Sigma Tour. Out of the box, the Sigma Tour will struggle on heavy conditions as well as very dry ones.

Overall Summary

The Sigma Tour is the single most useful ball to date from Motiv. This ball handled everything it was thrown on and could be drilled and surface prepped to be useful on nearly any condition.

The BTM Ball Testing Team

About The BTM Ball Testing Team

Bowling This Month's ball testing team is led by Eric Martinez. Our team of three testers has reviewed well over 1,000 bowling balls for Bowling This Month. In addition to leading BTM's ball testing efforts, Eric owns and operates University Pro Shop in San Antonio, TX, and he is an avid competitive bowler. Learn more about our bowling ball testing and review process here.