Bowler Ratings


Bowler ratings are from 1 to 10 in order of Stroker (ST), Tweener (TW), Cranker (CR)

General Info

Name:High Standard 2.0
Reviewed:February 2012
Coverstock Specs
Name:Molecular Particle
Type:Particle Pearl
Box Finish:Polished
Color:Fire Red
Core Specs
Int. Diff:0.000

For details on our standard test layouts, please click here.

Particle additives in the coverstock have slowly been phased out over the last few years. Lane Masters is one of the best at making durable balls with both high and low loads of particle in the shell. That tradition continues with their latest release, The High Standard 2.0. The particle in the coverstock gives this ball traction in the oil, while being a pearl allows it to get down the lane cleanly and store energy for the back end.

All three testers found this ball to work best on the medium oil pattern. Stroker had the most area on this pattern. Stroker’s lower rev rate and ball speed usually cannot move around the lane without giving up some carry. With The High Standard 2.0, he could go up the boards or give it a little room and still strike. Misses inside into the oil that usually flat 10 were able to pick up extra traction and get it out every time. Shots thrown wide of target were still able to make the turn at the breakpoint and get all the way back to the pocket. Cranker and Stroker were not far behind, but when they missed, they wanted their misses to be wide of target. This ball never showed any signs up giving up.

The oily pattern was a touch too long for the box finish. Cranker had the best look on this pattern due to his higher rev rate. The dry lane was just the opposite. It was too short for the strong coverstock. Tweener had the best reaction on this condition, being able to match his speed to his rev rate.

The High Standard 2.0 handled the sport pattern better for Stroker and Tweener than it did for Cranker on this pattern. Cranker’s ball wanted to start just a little too early. A different layout would have helped improve his rating on this pattern.  The versatility of The High Standard 2.0 is a ball we think you should slap your favorite drill pattern on and use on nearly anything you come across.

Performance Ratings

For having a particle additive in the coverstock, The High Standard 2.0 is pretty angular. The polished box finish keeps its juice for the breakpoint and back end.
Like the torque, we were surprised how easily The High Standard 2.0 got down the lane for having particle in the cover. If it’s getting too far down the lane, remove the polish for added traction.
Back End16
We keep talking about the particle in the cover, mostly because it is such a rarity these days. The added traction in the midlane makes for a strong and continuous back end.
Total Hook49
We have The High Standard 2.0 hooking less overall than the Black Diamond Particle Pearl. This ball is not the biggest hooking release, but one of the more useful ones.


The coverstock is what makes The High Standard 2.0 special. The particle pearl blend gives traction in oil and still has enough energy for a substantial back end motion.


Only the extremes will make The High Standard 2.0 match up poorly. Too dry will make it over-react and too much volume will push it too far down the lane.

Overall Summary

The High Standard 2.0 is a strong particle pearl coverstock bowling ball. It is stronger and more angular than the Buzz Premium Edition.

The BTM Ball Testing Team

About The BTM Ball Testing Team

Bowling This Month's ball testing team is led by Eric Martinez. Our team of three testers has reviewed well over 1,000 bowling balls for Bowling This Month. In addition to leading BTM's ball testing efforts, Eric owns and operates University Pro Shop in San Antonio, TX, and he is an avid competitive bowler. Learn more about our bowling ball testing and review process here.