Bowler Ratings


Bowler ratings are from 1 to 10 in order of Stroker (ST), Tweener (TW), Cranker (CR)

General Info

Name:Mission $250K
Reviewed:March 2011
Coverstock Specs
Name:XL1300 Reactive
Type:Reactive Pearl
Box Finish:800 / 1000 / 2000 / 3000 Abralon
Color:Black Pearl
Core Specs
Int. Diff:0.013

For details on our standard test layouts, please click here.

This latest Ebonite release adds to the already successful line of Mission bowling balls. The name alone is a tribute to the success the ball has achieved on the PBA tour. The Mission $250K offers enough traction to handle oily conditions, but not so much that it can’t work on medium conditions as well. The ability of the Mission $250K to handle decent volumes of oil is just one part of its overall reaction. The added back end movement can be attributed to the new XL 1300 Reactive coverstock. The Mission 1.0 core in the $250K has just the slightest change of RG and differential compared to past Missions in Ebonite’s high performance category.

The Mission $250K was given its highest ratings on the long and oily test pattern. This pattern allowed all three testers to play in their comfort zones for a longer period of time. Each tester could see the $250K rev up strongly in the midlane and even with the sanded finish, the XL1300 cover still stored plenty of energy for a big back end move.

The medium test pattern found all testers playing about an arrow deeper than they were on the oily test pattern. On the medium pattern, we found the Mission $250K to make a much stronger move at both the breakpoint and back end than on the longer oil pattern.

The shorter pattern allows for more friction down lane, giving the $250K more time and more recovery room for shots thrown away from the pocket. Those who bowl exclusively on medium type conditions may choose to stay away from skid/flip type layouts, as the $250K is strong enough down lane by itself. The breakpoint reaction and back end movement will be too much for most on drier lane conditions. Those who would like to try the $250K on dry patterns will need to put a good coat of polish on it in order to create the necessary length. All three testers did this and still only saw mediocre results on this short, dry pattern.

Moving to the sport pattern we found ourselves able to open up the lane more than usual with the Mission $250K. The sanded 3000 Abralon finish was still abrasive enough to give all three testers recovery on shots that were leaked a little further right. Keeping the angles in the front of the lane tight allowed us to take full advantage of the back end recovery the Mission $250K offers.

Performance Ratings

The veneer change of the $250K allows it to keep the strong breakpoint as previous Missions, despite having a different box finish. The strong breakpoint takes away nothing from the back end potential.
The length of the Mission $250K gives it the ability to work well on medium oily to heavily oiled patterns. Those with high rev rates will prefer this ball on the latter.
Back End17
The $250K has the largest back end movement of any of the Mission offerings thus far. Give it plenty of room down lane, as it will definitely make it back to the pocket.
Total Hook53
The overall hook potential is similar to that of the original Mission. It just goes about it in a slightly different manner. The $250K creates a little less traction in the oil compared to the Mission, but makes up the difference at the breakpoint and back end


The same versatility we liked in the original Mission, combined with the stronger back end movement of the Mission 2.0 makes the Mission $250K the best of the previous releases wrapped into one ball.


The Mission $250K will struggle on short and dry conditions. The breakpoint will be too hard to handle on these types of conditions. Those who wish to use this ball on drier conditions will need to have a polished finish.

Overall Summary

The Mission $250K is the latest improvement to the Mission line of bowling balls. The $250K will never lack recovery at the back end. If anything, it might be too much when back ends are crisp. The $250K is a great choice if you’ve missed either of the first two Mission offerings or a great complementary addition for players already using them.

Ebonite Mission $250K Comparisons

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To compare the Ebonite Mission $250K to any other bowling ball(s), please use our Bowling Ball Comparison tool.

The BTM Ball Testing Team

About The BTM Ball Testing Team

Bowling This Month's ball testing team is led by Eric Martinez. Our team of three testers has reviewed well over 1,000 bowling balls for Bowling This Month. In addition to leading BTM's ball testing efforts, Eric owns and operates University Pro Shop in San Antonio, TX, and he is an avid competitive bowler. Learn more about our bowling ball testing and review process here.