Bowler Ratings


Bowler ratings are from 1 to 10 in order of Stroker (ST), Tweener (TW), Cranker (CR)

General Info

Name:Pure Physics
Reviewed:August 2010
Coverstock Specs
Name:Full Tilt 7.5
Type:Reactive Solid
Box Finish:800 / 1000 / 2000 Abralon
Color:Black / Purple / Yellow
Core Specs
Name:Full Swing
Int. Diff:0.015

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For many years, the Columbia 300 faithfuls were used to having a high performance ball that started strong and kept going strong. The last few high performance releases went in a new direction. This new direction was a cleaner reaction through the front, with a much stronger change of direction downlane. The introduction of the Pure Physics takes us back to what we were used to seeing from Columbia 300. While still using the same core found in both the Pure Swing and Full Swing, Columbia 300 has been able to achieve this look by changing only the cover. The Full Tilt 7.5 veneer is the strongest cover used on any Columbia 300 release to date. This new stronger cover, combined with its 2000 Abralon factory finish, gives the Pure Physics the reaction we have come to expect from Columbia 300.

All three of our testers found this new release to match up best with our oily test pattern. We were able to start it in the higher concentration of oil without relying on the track area to get it started. Once the Pure Physics hit the back ends, it made a nice strong arcing motion to the pocket.

When we moved over to our medium test pattern, the Pure Physics pushed us slightly deeper into the pattern. The line we found to the pocket was totally different than the one we used on our oily test pattern. This pattern has less volume in the middle of the lane compared to our oily pattern, so we needed to give more room through the front part of the lane. Thankfully, the Pure Physics rolls off the dry without going crazy. When we sent it deep into the dry, we were still able to find the pocket. Those with higher rev rates may experience the Pure Physics burning off too much energy, causing some weak hits. Raising the box finish to 4000 Abralon will allow the high rev player to square up a touch, allowing the Pure Physics to retain more energy for the back end.

When using the Pure Physics on drier patterns, our testers found the need for the same surface adjustment as our medium pattern, along with a good coat of polish. Even then, this will be too much for most. When facing sport-like conditions, strong even arcing balls always fair the best.

On our sport pattern, both Tweener and Stroker had the best overall reaction with Cranker not being too far behind. The Pure Physics should be exceptional on oily sport patterns.

Performance Ratings

We found the Pure Physics to be equally strong in all three parts of the lane. Most balls have a tendency to react stronger in one area of the lane than another, but that is not the case with the Pure Physics.
The box finish allows the Pure Physics to match up best with long and heavy oil patterns. Higher rev rates will need to raise the factory finish to 4000 Abralon on medium patterns.
Back End15
The back end reaction is best described as being a strong arcing motion. This is perfect when the back ends are clean. Once the back ends tighten up, something like the Pure Swing will be the ball of choice.
Total Hook52
The Pure Physics will be slightly stronger overall than the Pure Swing and Full Swing. This is due to the strong read of the front half of the lane.


Those who love a ball that offers a large hook potential that is easy to read and control will love the Pure Physics. It will be perfect for wet/dry conditions.


The Pure Physics needs some dry at the back end to keep it going. So, when the back ends tighten up and a stronger reaction down lane is needed, another ball will need to be pulled out of the bag.

Overall Summary

With the release of the Pure Physics, Columbia 300 has gone back to the reaction shape that many bowlers were used to seeing in years past: a ball that offers a large hook potential that anyone can control.

Columbia 300 Pure Physics Comparisons

Click below to see a comparison table of each pair of bowling balls shown:

To compare the Columbia 300 Pure Physics to any other bowling ball(s), please use our Bowling Ball Comparison tool.

The BTM Ball Testing Team

About The BTM Ball Testing Team

Bowling This Month's ball testing team is led by Eric Martinez. Our team of three testers has reviewed well over 1,000 bowling balls for Bowling This Month. In addition to leading BTM's ball testing efforts, Eric owns and operates University Pro Shop in San Antonio, TX, and he is an avid competitive bowler. Learn more about our bowling ball testing and review process here.