Bowler Ratings


Bowler ratings are from 1 to 10 in order of Stroker (ST), Tweener (TW), Cranker (CR)

Note: Ratings are only available to our premium members.

General Info

Reviewed:August 2024
Coverstock Specs
Name:HK22C - EVO Solid
Type:Reactive Solid
Box Finish:500 / 1500 SiaAir
Color:Red / Blue / Black / Sky
Core Specs
Int. Diff:0.017

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The Mesmerize is the newest hook monster from Brunswick for the upcoming 2024 fall bowling season. This ball is built to easily handle longer patterns and heavier volumes of oil. It uses a new asymmetrical core design along with a combination of technologies to give bowlers of all styles easy hook and lots of overall motion. Brunswick’s DOT system is used on the Mesmerize, as well as DynamiCore2, which was previously only used in the Quantum Evo releases. The Mesmerize’s coverstock is a new formula of HK22 called HK22C – EVO Solid. This new veneer comes out of the box at a very rough 500/1500 SiaAir finish, providing traction through the heaviest oil pattern we have in our testing library. Bowlers who want more back end motion than the Quantum Evo Solid will find that added motion from the Mesmerize. We had the most success with this ball while our patterns were on the fresh side, but we were also able to move in and get it to come around the corner as the oil transitioned.


Stroker loved the amount of motion he was able to create with this ball on the heavy oil test pattern. It started up quickly, cutting through the oil effortlessly. He was able to play all over the lane with the Mesmerize at the box finish. He could get firm with his ball speed, playing straighter up the lane, or he could easily move six to seven boards left, reduce his speed, and still see the ball come around the corner strong. Starting farther right let him stay with the Mesmerize longer as the oil transitioned, as he could move his laydown farther left to find more oil and use the dry in the track to make sure the ball got all the

Additional Brunswick Mesmerize Resources

Click here to visit Brunswick's website to read the manufacturer-supplied information on this ball. Also, see below for the manufacturer-produced promotional video for this ball.

Please remember that our reviews are solely based on our own testing and that you may sometimes find differences between our comments and ratings and the manufacturer's claims. Links to these manufacturer resources are provided here strictly for convenience purposes.

The BTM Ball Testing Team

About The BTM Ball Testing Team

The BTM Ball Testing Team is led by Eric Martinez. Our team of three testers has thrown and reviewed hundreds of bowling balls for Bowling This Month. When not testing balls for BTM, Eric owns and operates University Pro Shop in San Antonio, TX and he is an avid competitive bowler. Click here to learn more about how we test and review bowling balls.