Bowler Ratings


Bowler ratings are from 1 to 10 in order of Stroker (ST), Tweener (TW), Cranker (CR)

General Info

Name:Meanstreak Brawler
Reviewed:March 2013
Coverstock Specs
Name:Addaptive f(P+F) Hybrid
Type:Reactive Hybrid
Box Finish:500 SiaAir / Rough Buff
Color:Blue Solid / Bronze Gold Pearl
Core Specs
Int. Diff:0.000

For details on our standard test layouts, please click here.

The Meanstreak Brawler utilizes the same shape core as the Meanstreak. The differential is the same and the RG is just slightly lower. The cover has been changed from a pearl finished with High Gloss Polish to a hybrid at a lower Rough Buff finish. These changes all give the Meanstreak Brawler more teeth in the oil than the original Meanstreak.

This ball performed best on our medium test pattern. Tweener had a phenomenal reaction on this pattern. He could be fast with his ball speed and the Brawler made it back to the pocket for the duration of the testing session. Stroker was right behind him with a pretty good reaction himself. The slightly rough finish allowed these testers the extra read in the midlane that they lacked from the original Meanstreak. The added hook allowed them to crush the pocket on this pattern. Cranker had this ball picking up just a little too early for his liking. After a few shots he applied Brunswick’s High Gloss Polish and saw much better results. Even with the polish, the Brawler was still stronger than the Meanstreak on this pattern.

Moving to the heavy test pattern, Cranker was the only one able to use the ball at the box finish. His higher rev rate allowed him to square up to the lane and let the ball get back to the pocket. Tweener and Stroker both needed some help getting the Brawler to the hole. We used a 2000 SiaAir pad to remove the Rough Buff and create more traction. The added hook was just what was needed to get the ball to the pocket.

The sport pattern was next up and again Tweener had the best reaction of the three. His speed and rev rate really matched up well with this ball regardless of the pattern. We again knocked the Rough Buff off all three test balls with a 2000 SiaAir and this improved all three testers’ reaction.

The short pattern did not offer much for such a high performing ball. Even adding the High Gloss Polish did not help with this much friction.

Performance Ratings

The hybrid cover and rough box finish just slightly tame down the move at the breakpoint. What the ball lost at the breakpoint, it more than makes up for in the midlane.
The Brawler uses a hybrid cover at a 500 SiaAir/Rough Buff finish, compared to the High Gloss polish pearl finish of the Meanstreak Brawler. This gets the ball to pick up the lane earlier.
Back End15.5
This ball is not far behind the Meanstreak at the back end. Because of the slight difference in cover and box finish, the Brawler starts to pick up earlier and has a stronger move in the middle part of the lane.
Total Hook50
The Meanstreak Brawler is a great addition to the upper mid performance line. It’s a great ball to start with for bowlers who like the Meanstreak but want a ball that hooks more.


The added motion from the Meanstreak Brawler is a nice addition for bowlers who liked the Meanstreak and would fit into an arsenal that includes it. The Brawler can handle heavier volumes of oil with the right layout.


Floods will not offer enough friction for the Brawler. On the other end of the spectrum, really dry lanes will also force users to put this ball away.

Overall Summary

The Meanstreak Brawler’s hybrid cover provides a motion that was not present in the Brunswick line. The symmetrical core with the hybrid shell can cover all types of medium patterns.

The BTM Ball Testing Team

About The BTM Ball Testing Team

Bowling This Month's ball testing team is led by Eric Martinez. Our team of three testers has reviewed well over 1,000 bowling balls for Bowling This Month. In addition to leading BTM's ball testing efforts, Eric owns and operates University Pro Shop in San Antonio, TX, and he is an avid competitive bowler. Learn more about our bowling ball testing and review process here.