Bowler Ratings


Bowler ratings are from 1 to 10 in order of Stroker (ST), Tweener (TW), Cranker (CR)

General Info

Name:Karma Purple/Pink Pearl
Reviewed:May 2012
Coverstock Specs
Name:Activator Plus
Type:Reactive Pearl
Box Finish:500 Siaair Micro Pad / Rough Buff / High Gloss Polish
Color:Purple / Pink Pearl
Core Specs
Int. Diff:0.000

For details on our standard test layouts, please click here.

Brunswick has once again taken a proven core shape and combined it with a proven coverstock, this time Activator Plus.

This ball gave the testers their best reaction on the medium test pattern. The pearlized cover glided through the oil and once it encountered friction at the breakpoint, it was a left turn. None of the testers needed to adjust the surface on this pattern through the entire session. The lane went through its normal transition and all three bowlers made small two and one moves left in order to catch more oil through the front. This adjustment kept the Karma Purple/Pink Pearl going through the pins with the right angle needed to consistently carry the back row.

On the dry test pattern, all testers were able to quickly find a line to the pocket. Cranker was about seven and four left of his trajectory on the medium pattern. He continued to move left as the pattern broke down but was running out of room. Tweener was an arrow deeper as well. Stroker was able to stay practically in the same area of the lane, just giving this Karma a little more room to the right down lane. Cranker adjusted the surface by using a 500 Siaair pad, followed by 1000, 2000, 4000 and then reapplying the High Gloss polish. After this adjustment he was able to move back closer to the track and saw an increase in pin carry. The other two testers were able to keep their Karma’s at the box finish.

Moving to the heavy test pattern, Cranker’s rev rate was the only one high enough to get this ball close to the pocket on this pattern. We removed the polish on all three test balls to give some added traction on this heavier volume pattern. Stroker and Tweener both used a 2000 Siaair pad, while Cranker settled on a 4000 Siaair finish. The friction created by the rougher surfaces allowed the testers to get back in the pocket.

We saw just a little too much over/under reaction for our liking on our sport pattern with the box finish. The Karma Purple/Pink Pearl is better suited for sport patterns that are shorter or have less volume than our sport condition.

Performance Ratings

The strength at the back end offers a stronger change of direction than the previous two Karmas. We contribute this to the change in coverstock.
The polished veneer of the Karma Purple/Pink Pearl gives it length on medium and dry patterns. Length could be added or reduced with the proper surface adjustments.
Back End15.5
This Karma has more movement from the breakpoint to pins than the previous versions. The change to the Activator Plus coverstock increases the back end motion.
Total Hook48
The Karma Purple/Pink Pearl offers more total hook than the Karma Blue/Green Pearl. The shape is similar, but the Purple/Pink will cover more boards.


The added back end will be a big selling point for this new addition to the Karma family. Bowlers on a budget will like the price tag for the performance.


Only extreme conditions will keep bowlers from being able to use this ball at the box finish. When bowlers come across these conditions, surface adjustments will help.

Overall Summary

The Karma Purple/Pink Pearl offers more length than the Karma Solid and more back end motion than the Karma Pearl. This ball gives added motion at the breakpoint due to the change from the PowrKoil 18 to Activator coverstock.

The BTM Ball Testing Team

About The BTM Ball Testing Team

Bowling This Month's ball testing team is led by Eric Martinez. Our team of three testers has reviewed well over 1,000 bowling balls for Bowling This Month. In addition to leading BTM's ball testing efforts, Eric owns and operates University Pro Shop in San Antonio, TX, and he is an avid competitive bowler. Learn more about our bowling ball testing and review process here.