Bowler Ratings


Bowler ratings are from 1 to 10 in order of Stroker (ST), Tweener (TW), Cranker (CR)

Note: Ratings are only available to our premium members.

General Info

Name:The Look
Reviewed:August 2012
Coverstock Specs
Name:s75 Hybrid with Soaker
Type:Reactive Hybrid
Box Finish:neaT
Color:Blue / Orange Hybrid
Core Specs
Int. Diff:0.017

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The first time the soaker additive was used on a bowling ball was with another ball company. It made its return in the 900 Global line on The Break s75 and now again in The Look. This cover has the ability to absorb oil quickly, giving it traction in the oil, while still being able to have an immense move at the breakpoint and back end. Combine that with the core from The Nuts line of bowling balls and you have a recipe for a lot of strikes on our medium test pattern.

Starting with the medium pattern, Stroker liked this one best because of the traction in the midlane while still having some pop at the back end. Lower rev rate players like Stroker

The BTM Ball Testing Team

About The BTM Ball Testing Team

Bowling This Month's ball testing team is led by Eric Martinez. Our team of three testers has reviewed well over 1,000 bowling balls for Bowling This Month. In addition to leading BTM's ball testing efforts, Eric owns and operates University Pro Shop in San Antonio, TX, and he is an avid competitive bowler. Learn more about our bowling ball testing and review process here.