Bowler Ratings


Bowler ratings are from 1 to 10 in order of Stroker (ST), Tweener (TW), Cranker (CR)

General Info

Name:Hook! Orange/Purple Pearl
Reviewed:June 2011
Coverstock Specs
Type:Reactive Pearl
Box Finish:Polished
Color:Orange / Purple Pearl
Core Specs
Int. Diff:0.000

For details on our standard test layouts, please click here.

All three versions of the Hook! use the S43 resin coverstock. The difference is that the S43 cover on this Orange/Purple version is pearlized and polished. This creates easier length on drier patterns compared to the solid Yellow/Red version and the dull Blue versions. This one offers the same strong but controllable breakpoint and back end but on drier lane conditions.

All three testers had their best look on the dry test pattern. The box finish is the biggest influence on a balls’ ability to get down the lane on this type of condition. This new release pushed down the lane beautifully on this low volume oil pattern. All three were playing the middle part of the lane with Cranker playing just outside of the middle arrow.

On the medium pattern, both Stroker and Cranker had the best reactions. For Stroker, the slower ball speed is what allowed the Hook! to perform on the pattern, while Cranker’s higher rev rate was the key to getting the Hook! back to the pocket.

The heavy oil pattern was simply too wet and long for this ball. The shiny pearl cover created too much skid on the wet stuff, making for an inconsistent breakpoint. When we lowered the surface to a sanded 2000 Abralon, we saw the same reaction we had with the Blue version.

Our sport pattern wasn’t the best match up for this one. Like on our heavy pattern, the ball would simply over skid and fly through the breakpoint. Sport patterns with lower volumes would be where this Hook! would be used.

Performance Ratings

This Hook! doesn’t offer much of a read in the midlane. Most of its action occurs at the breakpoint and back end.
The length is perfect for drier conditions like ours and sport patterns on the drier side. This version offers the most length in this series before it makes its move.
Back End14
The number of boards this ball can cover at the back end is limited since the breakpoint is so far down the lane. While we saw a strong move off the breakpoint, it is still on the smoother side. We would not categorize it as a skid/flip style ball.
Total Hook44
The overall hook potential is perfect for medium-light to drier lane conditions. Those with higher rev rates will want to take a close look at this version of the Hook! as their go-to choice on lower volume patterns.


What we feel will make this new release stand out is the performance it offers for a relatively low price tag. All three Hooks! offer a different motion. This one is the cleanest through the front of the lane.


With how clean the Hook! Purple/Orange Pearl is through the front of the lane, it will be temperamental on higher volume patterns. Sanding the cover is a must, or using the Hook! Blue/Blue sanded would also be a valid option for combating these type patterns.

Overall Summary

What a difference the box finish makes! While we were able to throw the sanded Hook! Blue/Blue pearl on our heavy test pattern, we had to use this ball on the drier test pattern. That shows the versatility of this cover/core combination.

The BTM Ball Testing Team

About The BTM Ball Testing Team

Bowling This Month's ball testing team is led by Eric Martinez. Our team of three testers has reviewed well over 1,000 bowling balls for Bowling This Month. In addition to leading BTM's ball testing efforts, Eric owns and operates University Pro Shop in San Antonio, TX, and he is an avid competitive bowler. Learn more about our bowling ball testing and review process here.