Brunswick Bowling Ball Reviews

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"The biggest reason I started using Bowling This Month was due to their ball reviews. I needed something to help distinguish differences in balls within one manufacturer and across manufacturers. I've been a subscriber for many years now and along the way also discovered their articles could help my bowling techniques."

- David Sellers (bowler and Bowling This Month subscriber)

Summary Table of All Brunswick Ball Reviews

The table below shows a tabular comparison of all recently-reviewed Brunswick bowling balls. Currently, all balls in our database are shown in the table. BTM subscribers can customize the columns displayed on their Edit Profile page.

You can sort this table by clicking on the header row of any column. Also, you can filter the data in the table by entering a search term in the search box below.

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Ball NameIssueCoverBox FinishRGDiffInt
Absolute NirvanaR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.4770.0540.013
AnacondaR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.4640.0470.000
AttitudeR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4740.0470.000
Attitude ControlUre Prl500 / 1K SiaAir2.4740.0470.000
AuraR Sol500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.4810.0520.015
Avalanche UrethaneUre PrlRough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.5240.0240.000
Beyond InfinityR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5210.0510.010
BruteR Hyb500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.4910.0320.000
C(System) Alpha-MaxR Sol500 / 800 / 4K SiaAir2.5200.0500.017
C(System) Maxxed-Out SolidR Sol500 / 2K / 4K SiaAir2.4800.0550.000
C(System) Versa-MaxR Sol500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.540.0520.000
Cutting Edge HybridR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.5210.0390.000
Cutting Edge PearlR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5210.0390.000
Cutting Edge SolidR Sol500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Shine2.5210.0390.000
DamageR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss Finish2.5590.0450.000
DefenderR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4730.0540.015
Defender HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4730.0540.015
Edge Blue PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4870.0500.000
Edge Dark Purple SolidR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4870.0500.000
EndeavorR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5400.0450.000
EthosR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4810.0530.000
Ethos HybridR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.4810.0530.000
FanaticR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5400.0520.000
Fanatic BTUR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.6010.0300.000
Fanatic BTU PearlR Prl500 / 4K SiaAir2.6010.0300.000
Fanatic SSR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4800.0550.000
FearlessR Sol500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4740.0470.000
Fortera ExileR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5120.0500.016
Fortera IntrigueR Hyb500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5120.0500.016
HeroR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4740.0470.000
HypnotizeR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.5100.0560.017
InfinityR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.5210.0510.010
Intense MindsetR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4870.0500.021
Ivory Rhino ProR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5680.0320.000
Jagged Edge HybridR Hyb500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5080.0430.000
Jagged Edge SolidR Sol500 / 3K SiaAir2.5080.0430.000
Karma PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.5270.0400.000
Karma Purple/Pink PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.5390.0400.000
Karma SolidR Sol500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.5270.0400.000
Karma UrethaneUre Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5390.0400.000
KingpinR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4830.0550.020
Kingpin MaxR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.4830.0550.020
Kingpin RuleR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4830.0550.020
Knock OutR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.4870.0500.000
Knock Out Black and BlueR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4870.0500.000
Knock Out BruiserR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.4870.0500.000
Loaded RevolverR Prl500 / 1.5K SiaAir / Rough Buff Finish2.5040.0540.000
Magnitude 035R Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5210.0350.000
Magnitude 035 PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5210.0350.000
Magnitude 055R Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4990.0550.000
Massive DamageR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.4920.0500.000
MastermindR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4880.0520.015
Mastermind EinsteinR Hyb500 / 2K / 4K SiaAir2.5040.0480.013
Mastermind GeniusR Hyb500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.4880.0520.015
Mastermind IntellectR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.4880.0520.015
Mastermind ScholarR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.4880.0520.015
Mastermind StrategyR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5040.0480.013
MeanstreakR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss Polish2.5570.0480.000
Meanstreak BeatdownR Sol500 / 4K SiaAir2.5360.0480.000
Meanstreak BrawlerR Hyb500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.5360.0480.000
MeleeR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5390.0500.000
Melee CrossR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4870.0500.000
Melee JabR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.4870.0500.000
Melee Jab CarbonR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4870.0500.000
Melee Jab Midnight BlueR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4870.0500.000
MesmerizeR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5100.0560.017
MethodR Hyb500 / 3K SiaAir2.4990.0550.000
Method SolidR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4990.0550.000
MindsetR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4870.0500.021
Mystic AuraR Hyb500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.4810.0520.015
Nexus f(P)R Prl500 / 1.5K SiaAir / Rough Buff Finish2.5020.0560.012
Nexus f(P+F)R Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4800.0560.017
Nexxus f(P+R)R Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir Finish2.480.0560.017
Nexxxus f(P+S)R Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.490.0560.012
NirvanaR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.4770.0540.013
Paranormal AuraR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4810.0520.015
Perfect MindsetR Hyb500 / 1.5K / 3K SiaAir2.4870.0500.021
Prism HybridR Hyb500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4650.0510.018
Prism SolidR Sol360 / 500 / 2K SiaAir2.4650.0510.018
Quantum BiasR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.5630.0520.013
Quantum Bias PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5630.0520.013
Quantum Classic BlackR Sol500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5570.0530.000
Quantum Evo HybridR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.5100.0510.018
Quantum Evo PearlR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5110.0530.024
Quantum Evo ResponseR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5110.0530.024
Quantum Evo SolidR Sol500 / 1.5K SiaAir2.5020.0480.012
Quantum Fire PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5570.0530.000
Quantum Forest Green SolidR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.5570.0530.000
RevolverR Prl500 / 4K SiaAir2.5580.0540.000
RhinoR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5240.0300.000
RingerR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss2.5340.0380.000
Ringer Platinum PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5340.0380.000
Ringer Royal Blue SolidR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.5340.0380.000
StellarR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5400.0520.000
Strike KingR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff / High Gloss2.5780.0280.000
Teal Rhino ProR Sol500 / 1K / 2K SiaAir2.5680.0320.000
TenacityR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.5030.0520.018
Tenacity GritR Prl500 / 1K / 3K SiaAir2.5030.0520.018
True MotionUre Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.5210.0350.000
True NirvanaR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4770.0540.013
Ultimate DefenderR Hyb500 / 2K SiaAir2.4730.0540.015
Ultimate NirvanaR Hyb500 / 4K SiaAir2.4770.0540.013
UppercutR Prl500 / 1K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4870.0500.000
Vapor Zone HybridR Hyb500 / 3K SiaAir2.4780.0480.017
Vapor Zone SolidR Sol500 / 2K SiaAir2.4780.0480.017
VaporizeR Prl500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4780.0480.017
Vintage Danger ZoneR Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5010.0480.000
Vintage Gold Rhino ProR Prl500 SiaAir / Royal Compound2.5200.0480.000
Vintage InfernoR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4790.0500.000
Vintage LT-48R Sol500 SiaAir / Royal Compound / Royal Shine2.5650.0380.000
Vintage PhantomR Sol360 / 1K SiaAir2.4710.0320.000
Vintage Vapor ZoneR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound2.4780.0480.017
Wicked SiegeR Prl500 SiaAir / Rough Buff2.5290.0500.020
ZenithR Sol500 / 1K SiaAir2.4850.0520.019
Zenith HybridR Hyb500 / 1K / 1.5K SiaAir2.4850.0520.019
Zenith PearlR Prl500 SiaAir / Crown Factory Compound / Crown Factory Polish2.4850.0520.019

Brunswick Ball Comparison Graph

The graph below shows a comparison of all Brunswick balls. It shows four dimensions from our on-lane testing results:

  • Horizontal axis: Total Hook rating
  • Vertical axis: Length rating
  • Circle size: Torque rating
  • Circle color: Backend rating

Click on each colored circle in the graph to see that ball’s name and ratings. Click the circle again or click the ball's name to view that ball’s full review.

(Note: The graph below is just a preview. Our actual interactive ball comparison graph is only available to subscribers.)

Bowling Ball Comparison Graph Preview