Common Questions About Reaching Breakthroughs

Staying motivated, weak vs. strong ball, and footwork

Common Questions About Reaching Breakthroughs

In March, I answered a few of the questions I’ve commonly dealt with and based on the response to that article, I thought I’d do it again. These questions and conversations have all come up recently with national team athletes... [Read More]

Learning From Defeat

Some hard lessons at USBC Open Championships

As a coach or as a bowler, it’s easy to think you have all the answers when things are going well. We’ve all been in that special place where executing shots feels easy, decision-making is like simple math, and the... [Read More]

The Thinker, the Squirrel, and the Volcano – Part 2

Competing well in all your bowling environments

The Thinker, the Squirrel, and the Volcano - Part 2

Last month, the relationship between a bowler’s skill sets and their peak performance was introduced in a new way. Using the Venn diagram to discuss the mental, tactical, and physical game, bowlers can identify which of the three most common... [Read More]

The Thinker, the Squirrel, and the Volcano – Part 1

Three of the four pieces that make up an effective bowler

The Thinker, the Squirrel, and the Volcano - Part 1

I’ve often referred to a complete bowler having three great skill sets:  the mental game, which consists of the mental skills to remain confident, calm, and effective under pressure; the tactical game, which is the logical decision-making aspect of using... [Read More]

How to Train on a House Shot

Tips for challenging yourself on easy practice conditions

How to Train on a House Shot

One of the most prevalent misconceptions I’ve dealt with in recent years, particularly with youth bowlers and their parents, is that you need a sport shot out on the lanes for any practice to be worthwhile. There’s this general opinion... [Read More]

Tackling Your Weaknesses – Part 3

Is your physical game keeping up with your brain?

Tackling Your Weaknesses - Part 3

Now, more than ever, bowling is a thinking person’s game. To achieve the highest level in this sport, you need to not only be able to out-play the field, you need to be able to out-think them. With dynamic balls,... [Read More]

Tackling Your Weaknesses – Part 2

Tackling Your Weaknesses - Part 2

Last month, I dealt with improving the mental game to help Active Volcanoes. This month, it’s time to deal with the Blind Squirrels. Blind Squirrels are bowlers whose physical and mental games are reasonably sound, while their tactical approach to... [Read More]

Tackling Your Weaknesses – Part 1

Calming the volcano

Tackling Your Weaknesses - Part 1

In the last couple of articles, I’ve introduced three player “categories” based on the area where a bowler is weakest. I’ve called them the Thinker, the Volcano, and the Blind Squirrel. Over the next three months, I want to address... [Read More]

Starting From the Ground Up – Part 1

Footwork: The foundation of effectiveness

Starting From the Ground Up - Part 1

Almost every time I coach a bowler, I’m reminded of the expression relating to chewing gum and walking at the same time. Inevitably, bowlers are able to perform an effective armswing while standing still and are able to walk efficiently... [Read More]

Starting From the Ground Up – Part 2

The importance of your core

Starting From the Ground Up - Part 2

Last month, in discussing using your feet and legs effectively, there were a few areas where we saw the old and new schools of thought collide. A discussion of how bowlers use their core also causes some disagreement. One thing... [Read More]