In June, I introduced the idea of building your bowling ball toolshed, equating bowling balls as the tools you use on the lanes. Like the tools in your toolshed, you don’t necessarily need every one of them for every job.... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
In June, I introduced the idea of building your bowling ball toolshed, equating bowling balls as the tools you use on the lanes. Like the tools in your toolshed, you don’t necessarily need every one of them for every job.... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
Two of the key variables in ball reaction that a bowler has control over are the axis rotation angle and axis tilt angle of the bowling ball. These angles, along with rev rate and ball speed, are the main variables... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
Without doubt, one of the most common topics that bowlers ask me about is how to select a bowling ball. Whether it is advice about what to drill next, or which balls to bring to a tournament, it remains a... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
One of the most complicated issues to fix in bowling is the concept of “clearing the thumb." This refers to how consistently your thumb exits the ball as part of your release. Thumb exit problems are so difficult to fix... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
Having just finished bowling in the 2019 USBC Open Championships, I thought it might be helpful to share my experiences. However, I'd like to start with a few important disclaimers: I was only able to bowl twice in the month... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
After perceiving everything you need to perceive, and then processing the appropriate tactical, mental, and physical reactions, the final step is to simply perform. It’s a relatively simple concept, but it's not easy to accomplish. I hope that by the... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
In my last article, I introduced the three P’s of bowling success: perceive, process, and perform. While the first article in this series focused on the perception stage, this article will focus on the processing stage. It’s worth noting that... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
In some of my past articles, I’ve written about the shot cycle, which is the mental and tactical process that a bowler goes through each frame. Usually, I've approached this from a "focus" point of view, discussing the type of... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
Practice makes perfect, or so the saying goes. But, there are lots of people that practice a lot who never get anywhere near perfect. Without going into the discussion of "perfection," the key to effective practice is having the right... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
As part of my work with Canada's national team members, as well as with my private long-distance coaching clients, one of the most essential jobs I have is to assess a player’s mental game. Mental game skills are never applied... [Read More]