The ball crosses 13 at the arrows, heading toward the gutter before it picks up in the midlane, hooks away from board five, and rolls into the pocket as the pins go ten-back into the pit. A casual observer watches... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
The ball crosses 13 at the arrows, heading toward the gutter before it picks up in the midlane, hooks away from board five, and rolls into the pocket as the pins go ten-back into the pit. A casual observer watches... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
Ask bowlers of any level what they’d like to improve and one of the most likely answers will be something related to lane play. Over the years, I’ve written plenty of articles about this topic, but I wanted to take... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
Over my next two articles, I’m going to go through alternative ways to develop your bowling skills, all of which can be done away from the lanes. Over the years, I’ve given many bowlers “homework” to continue developing skills we... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
Team competition notwithstanding, bowling is an individual sport. Even during team competition, bowling isn't like other team sports. When it comes time to make a clutch shot, it’s just you standing up there on the approach. You don’t have someone... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
Two summers ago, I coached someone converting from one-handed to two-handed. This was a pretty accomplished one-handed bowler, so before starting, I set the expectation that this would be a major change, and not to expect to attain his one-handed... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
The tournament doesn’t kick off for another few months, and you might not be bowling for another few more, but it’s time right now to start getting ready. For some bowlers, this event is their only sport shot experience of... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
A few years ago, I wrote Bowling Ball Surface Management, where I covered some basic rules and techniques for adjusting ball surface. This time around, in keeping with my recent series of adjustment-focused articles, I wanted to dig a little... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
Over my last three articles, we’ve covered three of the physical adjustments that a bowler can make to alter their ball motion: axis control, ball speed, and loft. However, the most common adjustments—and the first ones we learn as bowlers—are... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
So far in this series, we’ve covered two of the physical tools that a bowler can use to manipulate ball motion: axis control and ball speed control. The third physical skill that a bowler can use to manipulate ball motion... [Read More]
Contributed By: Tyrel Rose
Following up on July’s article about axis control, this month we’ll go through the finer points of ball speed control. Speed generation, and control, is an issue that plagues many bowlers, from beginner to expert. As bowling equipment and technique... [Read More]