A Champion’s Emotional Map

Charting your course to navigate bowling's ups and downs

A Champion's Emotional Map

Psychologist and author Jonathan Haidt has a wonderful story to explain the two driving forces in our lives. Think of your brain as a rider, sitting atop an elephant. The rider is your rational mind, making decisions about what to... [Read More]

Peak Performance in Six Weeks

Perform your best with proper preparation


What do bowlers who win tournaments and bowlers who miss cuts have in common? Goals. By themselves, goals don’t really mean anything. Anyone who wants to achieve something needs to take action. This article is about the actions you can take... [Read More]

Debunking Ball Weight Myths

Could you drop weight and increase hitting power?


Whenever I have a discussion about ball weight with a bowler, I think of Leonard Thieman. At the age of 76, I asked him if he thought he should give up using 16-pound equipment and switch to 15-pound balls. His... [Read More]

Alignment and Lane Play

Putting the two fundamental concepts together


If you want to win, you don’t have to make perfect shots. If you need to be perfect, something is wrong. Find the right part of the lane and you’ll have some room to miss and, in turn, you’ll start... [Read More]

The Importance of Proper Alignment

ETT and calculating your starting board

The Importance of Proper Alignment

Many people these days are aware of Pareto’s Law, which is better known as the 80/20 rule. It states that 80 percent of any result comes from 20 percent of the effort. This has been applied in many different ways... [Read More]

Equipment for the Four Competition Zones

A proven system to rank and select bowling balls

Equipment 4 zones header

When it comes to lane play in the modern game, it simply isn’t enough to have the skills you need for all of the competition zones. You also need the right equipment. In this article, I’m going to review the... [Read More]

Training the Skills You Need

Speed, launch angles, loft, and axis control

Training the Skills You Need

In my last article, we covered the four competition zones and the variables you need to control to compete in each one. This time around, we’ll cover the physical skill variables you’ll need to compete in the four zones, how... [Read More]

Bowling’s Four Competition Zones

Preparing to compete like a champion

Bowling's Four Competition Zones

For competitive bowlers, and those working toward that level, one of the most important questions to ask is, “What should I practice?” If your goal is to have a purposeful, effective practice, then knowing what to practice becomes vital. Aside... [Read More]