First and foremost, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a belated Happy New Year. In many respects, 2020 probably won’t go down as a year that I look back fondly upon. It was a rough year. The... [Read More]
Bill is the founder of BTM Digital Media, LLC and he manages the day-to-day operations of Bowling This Month. He has a graduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, he developed the Powerhouse Blueprint ball motion simulator, and he has been an avid bowler for more than 25 years. He also currently develops Bowling Unleashed, a realistic bowling simulation game available now for both iOS and Android devices.
Contributed By: Bill Sempsrott
First and foremost, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a belated Happy New Year. In many respects, 2020 probably won’t go down as a year that I look back fondly upon. It was a rough year. The... [Read More]
Contributed By: Bill Sempsrott
Let's start with a huge generalization: most of us could probably stand to improve our spare games. We know that spare shooting is important, we know we should consistently practice our spares, and we know that certain spare shooting techniques... [Read More]
Contributed By: Bill Sempsrott
Almost every day, I feel like I see or hear something that is completely incorrect about axis rotation or axis tilt. Sometimes, people just mix up the two terms and say "tilt" when they should have said "rotation." Other times,... [Read More]
Contributed By: Bill Sempsrott
If you've been paying any attention at all over the last couple of months, you're likely already aware of the recent USBC rule modifications affecting how bowling balls can be drilled. Just to recap, here are the relevant changes1: Balance... [Read More]
Contributed By: Bill Sempsrott
As many of you are likely already aware, the USBC recently announced that they will be implementing some new equipment specifications rule changes in the very near future that will affect how bowling balls can be drilled. You can read... [Read More]
Contributed By: Bill Sempsrott
About a month ago, the USBC published the results of a recent research project that examined bowling balls and their impact on the bowling environment. This project, which they are calling the Bowling Technology Study, primarily examined bowling ball RGs,... [Read More]
Contributed By: Bill Sempsrott
Pin carry is an important topic to bowlers. Whether or not all the pins fall consistently on pocket shots can have a huge impact on a bowler's scoring pace. A couple of corner pins left at the wrong time can... [Read More]
Contributed By: Bill Sempsrott
There are dozens of possible adjustments that we as bowlers can make to change where and how our bowling balls are entering the pocket. The first adjustment we typically learn—usually very early in our bowling careers—is how to move our... [Read More]
Contributed By: Bill Sempsrott
Pin-to-PAP distance is one of the dozens of factors that can affect the on-lane motion of a bowling ball. It is defined as the distance, measured along the surface of the ball, from the bowler's positive axis point (PAP) to... [Read More]
Contributed By: Bill Sempsrott
Let’s start with a quick question: Have you ever heard a fellow bowler say any of the following statements? “I just don’t like balls with balance holes. They don’t roll well for me.” “I’m going to have a weight hole... [Read More]