Article Contents

  • 1. How it all began
  • 2. Re-learning everything
  • 3. Physical challenges
    • 3.1. Stats
  • 4. Mental challenges

It’s back to school time as I write this. It’s back to bowling time as well for the majority of bowlers. This summer was a little bit different for me as I tried something I’ve never done before: I bowled lefthanded. I’ve bowled with my opposite hand before just fooling around or when I went bowling with non-bowling friends, but never in a league situation.

Before I get any further, let me clarify one thing: this was not about proving or disproving anything about the left side of the lane. This article is not meant to add fuel to the fire of the left/right debate in bowling. I never expected to average anything close to what I can with my right hand. I merely wanted to support my summer league and have some fun. In the process I learned quite a few things.

How it all began

I’d been using my opposite hand for fun long before taking a coaching course. As a kid working my first job at the lanes, I’d often throw house balls with my left hand to kill time. Being fairly ambidextrous, I wasn’t bad and developed a fairly decent approach. Anyone who has taken a coaching course can attest to the fact that you are encouraged to use your opposite hand as a learning experience.

Over time, the idea formed in my head that I could try it in league. I never had the right motivation until I saw another one of my friends bowl lefthanded. Everyone else I knew was pretty much incapable of throwing the ball with their opposite hand. The idea took root and we formed a team this summer comprised of four righthanded bowlers with three of us using our opposite hand and the other throwing a backup ball. The team name, of course, was ‘Too Many Righties.’

Re-learning everything

I’ve been bowling for about 24 years now and using a 15 pound ball for longer than I can remember. Bowling lefthanded, I’d basically be a new bowler with no real idea of what weight ball to use much less what kind since I have no previous experience. New bowlers often under-estimate how heavy their ball should be. I believe that many bowlers use equipment that is the wrong weight (too light).

My decision process ended up being fairly simple. Knowing my left arm and wrist would be a little weaker ...

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Tyrel Rose

About Tyrel Rose

Tyrel Rose has over 20 years of experience coaching bowlers of all levels. He is currently the Head Coach of Team Canada, and he offers remote private coaching services for bowlers who want to improve their games. From 2019 to 2024, Tyrel was Bowling This Month's Director of Content. He has written over 150 articles for BTM on all aspects of the sport, and he is also the author of two best-selling bowling books, One Frame at a Time and One Elite Frame at a Time.