The BTM Tournament – 2015


The BTM Tournament is back for its 13th consecutive year! This year’s event is at Bowl El Paso, located just a few minutes east of downtown El Paso. Get your game tuned-up for the USBC Open Championships by competing on the most challenging tournament condition in El Paso!

For current standings, please click here.

Hit the Logo Infusion 30-Clean Jackpot!

Will you win the Logo Infusion 30-Clean Jackpot? This year’s jackpot starts at $2,500 and goes up with each entry!  All participants in all BTM singles divisions will automatically be entered into the Logo Infusion 30-Clean Jackpot at no extra charge.

Multiple Singles and Doubles Divisions

The BTM has something for everyone with five divisions of singles and doubles play (estimated first prize shown):

  • Open Singles ($5,000*)
  • Open Doubles ($4,000*)
  • Senior Singles ($3,000*)
  • Senior Doubles ($1,500*)
  • Super Senior Singles ($1,000*)

*NOTE:  First prize estimates are based on entries.

How to Bowl

The BTM runs daily from March 7 through July 11. Squads start at 9:15 AM and the final squad of each day starts at 4:00 PM, based on lane availability. Advanced registration is not required…just walk in and bowl!

Contact The BTM Tournament

Tournament director Rick Ramsey can be reached by telephone at (817) 975-1836 or by email at

This Year’s Oil Pattern

As usual, The BTM Tournament will put a premium on good shotmaking. This year’s oil pattern is 40 feet in length and uses 25.785 mL of Kegel Ice conditioner per lane.

Click here to see this year’s tournament pattern.

NOTE:  Bowl El Paso has Brunswick synthetic lanes.

Bowl El Paso

This year’s host center, Bowl El Paso, is conveniently located just a few miles east of downtown El Paso, just off I-10.

Special Thanks to The BTM Tournament’s 2015 Sponsors

The BTM Tournament is made possible through the support of many great sponsors and partners. We hope you’ll support the following supporters of competitive tournament bowling:

The BTM Tournament 2015 Rules

1. ELIGIBILITY: Open to all members of the USBC with the following exceptions; Bowlers who finished in the PBA top 20 earnings list for the 2012-2013, 2013-2014 season or currently in the top 20 as of March1, 2015. Any bowler who has won a PBA Regular Tour event since January 1, 2012. The tournament director reserves the right to refuse any entry.

2. SINGLES: 3 games across 6 Lanes. You may enter singles a maximum of 6 times in each division you are eligible to enter. Bowlers will be allowed to cash twice in the main prize list but only once in the top 20 in Open singles, top 15 in senior singles or super senior singles. Tournament starts March 6, 2015 at 9:15am and the last squad will be 4pm July 12, 2915. Squads start daily at 9:15am with continuous squads until the final squad of the day which starts at 4pm, based on lane availability. Additional squads may be added. Call Rick Ramsey at 817-975-1836 for additional information.

3. DOUBLES: Bowlers may bowl doubles only without bowling singles. Crossover doubles with up to 6 different partners may bowl at the same time. Any bowler eligible to bowl the tournament may bowl doubles together. 2 PBA members can bowl doubles together. 3 games across 6 lanes.

4. DIVISIONS: All divisions are scratch. Open Singles is open to any bowler eligible to participate. Senior division will be limited to bowlers age 50 or over at time of bowling. Super Senior division is open to any bowler age 65 or over at time of bowling. Challenge division is open to all bowlers who are not eligible to participate and win prize money.

5. ENTRY FEES: First Entry into any division will be $70.00 ($50.00 prize fund and $20.00 lineage and expenses). Reentries will be $70 with $50 to prize fund and $20 to lineage and expenses. Doubles will be $40.00 per bowler with $40 going to prize fund and $40 to lineage/expenses. Crossover doubles will be $25 per entry for each partner with $20 going to prize fund and $5 expenses. You may cross over with up to 6 different partners at the same time. Each partner must be bowling at the same time.

6. PRIZE DISTRIBUTION: Prize money will be distributed at a ratio of at least one for every six paid entries in all divisions. A bowler may cash twice in each singles division but only once in the top 20 positions. Doubles can cash only once with the same partner.

7. PLAYING RULES: This tournament is USBC certified. For rules not covered here, USBC rules will be used and the tournament directors decision is final unless an appeal is made in accordance with rule 329.

8. PAYMENT: Cash or credit card. No checks will be accepted onsite.

9. OFFICIAL SCORE: Automatic scoring will be the official scorer. Bowlers will verify the correctness of their scores at the completion of each game and record it on the official score sheet. This will be the bowlers only opportunity to question the accuracy of a score. Obvious adjustments or error will be corrected when the score sheet is audited by tournament staff. Each bowler must sign his score sheet to verify correctness and for the score to count.

10. LANE ASSIGNMENTS AND OPEN BOWLING: Tournament director will make lane assignments prior to start of each squad and bowlers will be given 7 minutes practice on their starting pair. No practice will be allowed on the tournament lanes at any time during tournament hours.

11. CLOSE OF ENTRIES: Entries will close 20 minutes prior to the last scheduled squad of the day.

12. USBC rules 319D and 319E are waived. Rule 319A is in effect.

Legal / Disclaimer

The BTM Tournament in 2015 is owned and operated by Rick Ramsey. “The BTM” is a trademark of BTM Digital Media, LLC and is used with permission. While all efforts have been made to provide accurate information on The BTM Tournament, BTM Digital Media, LLC does not warrant the accuracy of the information provided. Please direct all tournament questions and inquiries to Rick Ramsey.